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My husband and I are considering an open marriage

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If you want to play the odds like in Vegas, your husband will be sorry he ever uttered the words "open marriage"

If I understand it correctly, he is fine with you having sex with other women? Men too??? I know you said you are not interested but wheat happens if one of your FWB has a boyfriend that you find attrasctive??


Non monogamous marriages fail for the same reasons as monogamous ones. Broken boundaries. In one case, fidelity is broken, and in another one the "agreements" are broken.


You need to read some books and so does your husband. He will find that all of the power in non monogamous relationships is with women. He will find that married women are like catnip to men while most women want no part of married men.


I suggest you both read

More Than Two

OPening Up


In those books you will get a clear picture of the pitfalls you will encounter , not just the fun or excitement your think it will be. Then at least you make your decision as an informed one.

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