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When guys call a girl cute/cutie..

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What does it really mean? Is he even attracted to her because it sounds like something you'd describe a child or a puppy.


So there's this guy that I like and I think he likes me too (either that or he's Probably just naturally flirty w/ everyone), and whenever he texts me it'd be something like "hey cutie", or when he compliments me he would say something along the lines of "you looked really cute today". It bothers me because he's 32 and I'm 23, so I'm really hoping by him calling me cute all the time doesn't mean he sees me as a little sister or whatever. I'm sort of used to other girls/women calling me pretty and other guys calling me gorgeous, so being called cute all the time by an older guy that I like just throws me off.


What are the differences between being called cute/pretty/beautiful/gorgeous by a guy? And what can I do for him to see me less as "cute" and more of someone he can date seriously?

Edited by Anielaviv
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I'm sort of used to other girls/women calling me pretty and other guys calling me gorgeous, so being called cute all the time by an older guy that I like just throws me off.


He's likely a more experienced guy, that is a bit more sensible with his diction.


what can I do for him to see me less as "cute" and more of someone he can date seriously?


And there you are :D


I'll let you in to something that I do, not sure if this guy will be the same, but wouldn't be surprised.


Compliments are important. People like "Corey Wayne" or whatever tell men not to give them, but I'd like to see him actually approach a woman, which he doesn't.


I keep compliments low-investment early doors. I escalate the compliments as part of escalating in general on dates.


Maybe he'll up the compliments, and then how will that make you feel in the moment?


Don't be so reliant on others perception of you is my advice.


I do find that the hottest women need a guy that isn't so fazed by her looks, but the issue here is that your need for validation is effecting your behaviour too much.

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It's more positive then anything else but what exactly it means is up to him. Unless you hear him use that word to every woman he talks to assume it means he's interested & finds you attractive. Proceed from there.

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Unless you're a blood relation, there's about a 200% chance that any looks-related compliment from a guy means he's attracted to you...

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Cutie does sound a bit patronising, but maybe that is his favourite term of endearment or how he usually addresses women whatever their age, or perhaps he just cannot remember women's names and it has landed him in trouble in the past, so they are all just "cutie".

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He's probably attracted to you, is he shy in general ?


You might have to take the bull by the horns with him though, or at least steer the conversation towards that area.

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He's flirtatious and sounds like in general but probably does like you, though I think anyone that comfy with calling a non-gf cutie has something that's going to be off with them, like being flirty with everyone or not taking women seriously and being a little condescending so just get to know him and find out.

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You are overanalyzing this.


He obviously likes your looks. That should be enough. He will ask you out


or else it was just a nice compliment.

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What are the differences between being called cute/pretty/beautiful/gorgeous by a guy?


there are actually huge differences PRIOR TO DATING:

if he calls you beautiful and/or gorgeous you will immediately think 'he's just trying to get me in bed'. this also gives you a potential upper hand --- think the first time someone says 'i love you'.


by saying you are cute he is expressing his attraction while not tipping his hand. there are other advantages:

if you are indeed gorgeous you hear that all the time, by using cute you wonder 'wow he is different'. if you are average he is not being 'corny': i know i am not gorgeous.


And what can I do for him to see me less as "cute" and more of someone he can date seriously?
maybe he is waiting to hear that the attraction is mutual. nothing wrong with "well do you date cute girls?" then "are you going to ask out this cute girl?" --- btw many guys appreciate a forward girl: it takes out the guess work.
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cute, or cutie means he is attracted to you, that you're appealing, etc. he likes you. friends dont call eachother "cutie". they may say a photo is cute, but they wont say that you're a "cutie" unless they are gay and they are trying to vibe you up in terms of confidence.

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Cutie does sound a bit patronising, but maybe that is his favourite term of endearment or how he usually addresses women whatever their age, or perhaps he just cannot remember women's names and it has landed him in trouble in the past, so they are all just "cutie".


i dont think so. my bf and i call eachother cute and cutie all the time. it means we're attracted to eachother and we're super into eachother, physically or personally like quirks and little mannerisms that are endearing

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I don't even use cute with animals. I pretty much only use that word for little girls. But yeah, there are same guys out there that use that word on women.

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