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Women file for Divorce more

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Yeah the kids are a huge thing but thank GOD, that's becoming more and more recognized,

Here they're even running tv ads supporting the dads in this bs,,,,,, finally . and now 50 50 is pretty standard she can't pull the bs she use to be able too.

She still gets the red carpet rolled out for her in every possible department though even thoguh she's the one that went out drinking and screwed around destroying the family, yet the husband just gets the ohh- get over it , move on sh@t in just about everything.


Another ridiculous insanity is that , l know in the US in a lot of places because l've got friends going through it.

Incredible . She can go screw around, destroy the family, destroy the assets , ruin the kids lives, run off with other men, yet he has to pay her meal ticket for fkg years to come, sell up the family and kids home to give her half , pay all the legals which can be 10s of thousands .

If not , she gets the house and the kids and he ends up living in some tiny one room somewhere because that's all there's enough money left for for years to come by the time the courts finish with him, no matter what she's done and believe me , many of them have done things and go on doing them , not even l could dream up.

lt's fkg insanity.


So l'd only imagine if he was the one to divorce her ,what the poor little thing would get then.

Gold maybe.

Edited by Chilli
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