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"Best friend" disappears after finding girlfriend


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Things naturally change when a person gets into a serious relationship, but it seems like he's not really making enough of an effort. Relationships take up time, so there's almost no way that when someone gets into a relationship that they're going to spend the exact same amount of time with you. but they SHOULD make an effort to spend some. Also, activities change, especially at your age. Guys with girlfriends in their late 20s usually don't go clubbing or stay in casino hotels overnight without their girlfriends. Those are single guy or bring along your girlfriend activities usually. I go out without my boyfriend, but if I'm going to go to a club or something I'll always invite him along and vice versa. Going to the pub on the weekend now and then is reasonable to ask though.


You need to include the girlfriend in at least some of your plans if you want to maintain this friendship. That way both of them won't just associate you with his 'single' life, which is now in the past. I think that if you include her in the plans more, she won't bristle as much if he goes out alone with you on the weekend - but again, don't expect late night club sessions where she's not invited.

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