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Sexless Marriage..

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It really does not matter what his issue is...


The fact is that, at your young age, and you are not able to have sex with a man that rings your bell is just crazy.


I really can't even imagine what you are going through.


There are not a lot of good options here.


You need to file for divorce and get out.

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I totally sympathize with you, I hope things get better for the both of you.

Have you tried thinking of the pros and cons in the relationship? How much good there is as apposed to not having as much sex as you would like?

I mean, maybe you never been in a relationship where the sex is amazing and you get it three times a day, But he's abusive, doesn't have a decent job, cheats on you and you feel lonely all the time. Really think about that. I'd hate for you to end a good marriage for the simple fact that you not getting as much sex as you'd like.

I strongly suggest this book I'm actually still reading, called Love & Respect by Emerson Eggerichs. It's titled.. The Love she most Desires & The Respect He desperately Needs. https://g.co/kgs/nwJ1hZ

You'll be surprised at the simplest things that could be turning him off from having sex by something as simple as a little respect. I was surprised to read some of the things that men view as respect, but once I made a chose to do it I saw how much love I received back from my husband. It was amazing! I couldn't believe it!

I hope this helps and I really do wish you and your husband a blissful marriage filled with joy, peace and amazing love. Blessings!

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