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You didn't have to agree to the break. You took advantage of it and so did he. It sounds like you're more upset because you thought he would wait around for you. But what's good for the goose is good for the gander.


I agree with the others that you shouldn't go back to him. I don't think it would be the foundation for a healthy relationship. But I also think you need to check into why you decided to sleep with other guys as a way to cope. That's not exactly healthy.


It sounds like you got a little bit to work on for yourself before you get into another serious relationship. These emotions you're going through right now.... I suggest you use this disturbance in the force to gather your strength and work on yourself. Could be there in six months doing that you realize you are out of his League anyway.


What do you mean I didn't have to agree? I didn't haven't a choice. I only did it one time and it was a couple of months afterwards, so I wouldn't say it was a coping method.

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He slept with other people and you did the same. You are even, there is nothing to complain about.

His actions have shown very clearly that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you. He told you that he slept with that girl again after you told him you had secured the job to make you be the one who decided to not continue the relationship. He doesn't even have the respect and consideration to tell you clearly, but his actions are telling the whole story. You need to have dignity and self love and move on.

I doubt he has ever thought of proposing to you, but even if he did, it would be a total disaster if the two of you got married.

Edited by lazcas
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