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I had an affair and regret it [updated]


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In this state I will be liable for 1/2 the debt accumulated in the marriage.

Second, I have been in therapy since this has happened and I am working on my self.

Well many people cheat and end up having successful marriages either with that spouse or another if they learned and healed from their problem so not sure what that means but that's okay.


Chapter 7 personal bankruptcy or put the debt into the terms of your divorce. If there are tax issues, Innocent or Equitable Tax Relief. I've done this for spouses of gamblers.


Don't stay married over money. There is always a way if you want it back enough.

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I am sorry that your relationship is on the decline. You would have thought that since he had his own skeletons in the closet, that he would be a little more understanding and willing to work on the marriage. There still are things for you to do before the holidays. First I would take an accounting of the relationship and look at those things that you could have done better. This can be helpful regardless if it is this relationship or the next. Secondly, look at how you would like to see the end game happen. What do you want to do with dividing up assets, living arrangements, child visitation, support, etc. If you think ahead, you will have an advantage and better to take care of you and the children going forward. Lastly, get control of your money and keep it separate.

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