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I don't ever want to lose him .

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What's prompting you to worry about losing him? Why the focus on him cheating? What is going on that has made this top of mind for you?


Also, where does his "baby mama" fit in all of this? How old are the kid(s) they have together? When did they break up? How long after that did your relationship start? How old are you both?


I feel as if you're raising your concerns, but leaving out the relevant key details that led to those concerns. Basically, what is the back story here? It will be helpful in getting you more specific advice.

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My husband likes his space, but his space is on the motorcycle that he loves to ride, and at the gym! :) I am fine with that, since I like my space too.

And they say majority of men cheat do y'all agree


I think the majority of people cheat if they do not have strong enough convictions to prevent them from cheating.


The reason I believe my hubby will not ever cheat on me is because he has strong convictions against cheating and he doesn't put himself in temptation's way. While at the gym for example, he is 100% tuned to focusing on lifting weights; he doesn't let his eyes wander to the ladies. How do I know?


I've seen him many times working out, and I've watched his eyes, without him noticing. I see how beautiful women pass by and he totally ignores them because he's so focused on his exercise routine. :) I like that.


On the motorcycle as well, he is currently getting comfortable in riding it (after passing his motorcycle course and getting his license changed), so he's concentrating on that and the thrill of riding.


There are guys who keep their energy and focus away from other women and on what interests them. When he's with me, he's 100% with me. When he's at work, he's 100% at work. When he's at the gym, he's 100% working out. He's very goal-oriented and he is naturally a faithful man to whatever he is doing.


Concerning our marriage, I do believe he is faithful to me. While I'm not with him all the time, I'm with him enough to understand that he puts his marriage with me as top priority. He also expects me to be faithful to him, and believes in doing to others what you would have them do to you.

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He's into me but trust me I have anger problems and I think my mom ways passed down to me .

I overact on a lot , every family member every friend I got into huge arguments with . I'm very dramatic and have a anger problem and I do agree I NEEED counseling , been through a lot . And never got help to get over it I bottled it down . My childhood and teenage hood


Why not seek some professional help for your anger issues? Don't do this just for your boyfriend, though. Seek counseling for yourself.

I think everybody needs time for themselves. It's not a bad sign unless your partner feels like you are smothering him or he's trying to get away from you for other reasons.

Edited by BettyDraper
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Most men don't cheat. The one's that do just get talked about so much it becomes an assumption.



As a man, I know need space in a particular way. There will be an isolated thing the each man will pick...like watching sports, reading, playing video games, etc. That time is used to process things mentally. Or to escape worry for a few minutes. Sometimes both.



My wife tends to process stuff by talking it out. So if you are like that, understand there is a difference there and give him space to process.


I don't believe that most men do not cheat.


I feel like most men will cheat if they are in a certain frame of mind and they are unhappy with their partners.

Edited by BettyDraper
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