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What now? She cheated and I'm left devastated

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Yep...she's done cheated alright.


You might as well save yourself a ton of grief and file the papers....you can never trust her again.

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Any help here would be appreciated.


Seriously, be cautious about exposing.


My wife filed a harassment charge against my FOW for exposing to her.


It was deemed unwanted contact, and it was meant to alarm and annoy.


In addition, she took my side, and we are still together. Our relationship is fine and trust has been regained by being an open book.


My wife later dropped the charges because she thought the FOW was pathetic. But I know people who would not drop the charges.


Check the laws in your state.


Not everyone will appreciate a phone call outing their spouse.


In addition, some know their spouses are having an affair and purposely look the other way.


Harassment is a serious crime and can end in a prison term.

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I do not think you have fully thought thru the cost (lawyer fees), the possibility of going to jail and losing your job. It is not worth it.



Calling this guys wife would make some sense, but ONLY if he was part of the deed. If your wife was pursing him, and he did basically nothing to encourage her....he does not deserve to suffer.



Her toxic friend who was urging her on IS an ongoing problem. You need her out of your wife's universe...even if it means changing jobs.

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A single phone call to the OM's spouse is not and will never be a criminal act. Don't be scared...expose to get your wife to make a choice..not for vengeance.

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Friend, the reason you are being told to expose the affair is because it is a proven method of ending an affair. Affairs thrive in secrecy and it has been proven over and over again as one of the fastest ways to bring wayward spouses back to reality. Every major infidelity site will give you the same advice because it works. Had I not been told about my ex's affair I might have been in infidelity for years longer. A betrayed spouses prime objective on discovery of their spouses cheating is to get themselves out of infidelity, secondly, protect their children and thirdly protect their finances. Saving the marriage requires two people and as long as she is still in her affair your marriage has zero chance. Exposure is not about revenge it's about not sharing your wife with some POS that is getting off knowing he has that kind of power over her. He doesn't give a sh*t about you or your family, if he did he wouldn't be banging your wife. This is not about him or his family, this is about you and yours. He just wants things to stay as they are. I will bet money that he will throw your wife under the bus to save his lying POS a$$ because they don't want to end their own marriages, they just want to bang your wife. If his wife finds out she may divorce his a$$ and cause him to give up a great part of whatever fortune he has. The worst thing you can do is nothing. Exposure works and that is why we tell you to tell the other betrayed spouse.

Edited by aliveagain
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Just a Guy

Hi Alive, I guess the OP is not listening to you or anyone else. It is just wasted effort on the part of the good folk here. He himself has fled the scene! Just a thought.

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