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Does anyone have any tips for sunburn to get rid of the sting or redness, it's horrible, my sunburn is serisouly itching as if i were on fire and ouch! any tips!

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Aloe Vera gel helps. They usually have it in the same section as the sunscreen at the store.

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If you have it really bad. You might want to get Solarcane Spray (I think that's how it's spelled). It helps alot. I makes the itching and burning go away. Also, lanacane Spray may help as well. Calamine Lotion is suppose to help.

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Plain yogurt from the fridge applied on the burnt area absorbs the heat without the sting of ice.

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It sounds real gross.. but take a bath in tomato juice. Take the sting right out of it..

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Preventative measures are always the best! so make sure to apply and re-apply sunscreen after at least 4 hours......sooner if you are sweaty or in the water.


There are a ton of sunburn lotions on the market. But basically, stay out og the sun, stay hydrtaed, keep the affected skin hydrated (with aloe vera),take cooler showers/ baths.

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Def AloeVera or Solarcaine - it will numb it for a bit. Motrin 600 mg for pain.

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A mixture of Iodine and Baby Oil has always worked well for me; and Noxema on the face!


I think it depends on your complection too -- some people burn faster than others (depth of the burn)

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