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Good points....


If the dumper dumped the dumpee because they were overly clingy, needy and desperate, that approach is just going to clang alarm bells....It's almost a guarantee they'll back off because of past experience and memories of why they dumped her/him in the first place.....


Yes that's true if that was the reason why OP was dumped - I must have skipped over that while writing my suggestion. Take back what I said above OP, that would be aimed to a situation more focused on a GIGS break up.

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She was the needy one in the relationship which wasn't and isn't necessarily an issue she was always very understanding when I had other things to do and we couldn't be together.a Everyone thought we made the perfect couple her parents were even upset when she ran. This is why I'm having trouble understanding

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I think she wouldn't just jump back into the relationship regardless. So if you want to really work things out, I'm sure you both could. Up to you! Different perspective.

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