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Star Wars ( personal rant)

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Look BRASHGAL, I saw The EXorcist when it came out with my parent. i must have been 7 or 8. If I could sit thru that then your son can sit thru Star Wars.


Sure he could sit through it but is it the right thing to do? Will he have nightmares? Will he be preoccupied with the negative themes for weeks? It probably wouldn't scar him for life or anything but I think kids need to be shielded from some of this stuff until they are old enough to understand it.


It's all part of parenting Alpha, and knowing your individual child. My older son could have seen the movie at 8 and not batted an eye but he is a different person and was definitely more mature at this age.

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Originally posted by brashgal

It's all part of parenting Alpha, and knowing your individual child. My older son could have seen the movie at 8 and not batted an eye but he is a different person and was definitely more mature at this age.

ok, I can dig that BRASHGAL

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Originally posted by alphamale

that was at the end of Empire Strikes Back. remember that Luke got a robotic hand.


Been so long since I've watched them (I have the box set) that I forgot which one.

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