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Message Girl on Facebook I barely know?

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*Don't want to be creepy


Last night I had an acting class and introduced myself to a girl who also gave me her name (not last name).


We didn't have a conversation because we were concentrating on the class, during her monologue I had to play a police officer so she had someone to look at. Even though we were both acting we had some pretty intense eye contact.


But if that doesn't count I also caught her looking at me quite a bit during the class.


I didn't talk to her after class or anything for various reasons, also I don't think I'll see her again in person.


Anyway, I found her on facebook (haven't said anything yet) and was thinking of messaging her something like


"Hey, by any chance were you 'name' from the acting class last night?"


if she says yes I'll say something like


"I thought you were really impressive during your monologue and was wondering if you would ever consider teaching someone because I need help learning to show emotions through my face, no pressure, just thought I'd ask :D"



By the way, that is actually a genuine question that I need help with, and she was really good.


Thanks for your help.

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*Don't want to be creepy


Last night I had an acting class and introduced myself to a girl who also gave me her name (not last name).


We didn't have a conversation because we were concentrating on the class, during her monologue I had to play a police officer so she had someone to look at. Even though we were both acting we had some pretty intense eye contact.


But if that doesn't count I also caught her looking at me quite a bit during the class.


I didn't talk to her after class or anything for various reasons, also I don't think I'll see her again in person.


Anyway, I found her on facebook (haven't said anything yet) and was thinking of messaging her something like


"Hey, by any chance were you 'name' from the acting class last night?"


if she says yes I'll say something like


"I thought you were really impressive during your monologue and was wondering if you would ever consider teaching someone because I need help learning to show emotions through my face, no pressure, just thought I'd ask :D"



By the way, that is actually a genuine question that I need help with, and she was really good.


Thanks for your help.


Tough one. On one hand, you don't want to seem like a stalker (which it sounds like you're being one). On the other hand, if you believe she was giving you signals, you don't want to pass it up either. I guess you have nothing to lose, really. If you do contact her though, I wouldn't beat around the bush.


I have two points of advice:


1. Tell her she caught your attention and you'd like to learn more about her, then give her your cell and tell her to text you and say hi. Once she texts you, set up the date.


2. Next time your interest is piqued by a woman in person, establish your interest then and there. Don't leave it to chance (or facebook).

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No good because you're creeping. You dug her up. No coincidence there.


Try to do something more believable like looking at her face book for what next acting thing she is going to and "bump into her" there.

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I wouldn't this is stalker creepy.You haven't even spoken to her and are basing her 'interest' off very little.

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Jeeze I didn't think it was that creepy to message someone on Facebook that you barely knew.



Only thing is, I probably wont ever see her again if that changes anything.

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Ehh I say go for it!!! Just tell her you were late for something and didn't get a chance to compliment her. Go from there. I add cute girls who I see but never talk to all the time. 90% of the time they try harder to get me to approach them after I add them because it peaks their interest to find out who I am.


Worst case scenario, it's only awkward for her...


Disclaimer: results may vary

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Ehh I say go for it!!! Just tell her you were late for something and didn't get a chance to compliment her. Go from there. I add cute girls who I see but never talk to all the time. 90% of the time they try harder to get me to approach them after I add them because it peaks their interest to find out who I am.


Worst case scenario, it's only awkward for her...


Disclaimer: results may vary


Yeah I completely agree.


If I don't try how will I know what would of ever happened.


Might as well attempt something than doing nothing.

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Yeah I completely agree.


If I don't try how will I know what would of ever happened.


Might as well attempt something than doing nothing.


Great attitude!! Let us know how it goes :)

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Great attitude!! Let us know how it goes :)


But i think to keep it less creepy I'll send something like this


"I know this is a bit creepy, but I'm pretty sure you were at the acting workshop last night and your name was the only one I remembered that seemed to be working with "agent".


I was wondering if I could ask for some advice because I didn't have time to stay after and ask someone"


Is that a better way to start?

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But i think to keep it less creepy I'll send something like this


"I know this is a bit creepy, but I'm pretty sure you were at the acting workshop last night and your name was the only one I remembered that seemed to be working with "agent".


I was wondering if I could ask for some advice because I didn't have time to stay after and ask someone"


Is that a better way to start?


"Hey I don't know if you remember me but I'm _____ from the acting class at ____, you know the guy that played the police officer. More to the point, I didn't get a chance to catch you after class but I wanted to tell you I thought your monologue and acting skills were really impressive!! How long have you been acting for??"


Something like that. Also, check her relationship status before getting too invested...

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"Hey I don't know if you remember me but I'm _____ from the acting class at ____, you know the guy that played the police officer. More to the point, I didn't get a chance to catch you after class but I wanted to tell you I thought your monologue and acting skills were really impressive!! How long have you been acting for??"


Something like that. Also, check her relationship status before getting too invested...


haha yeah thats the first thing I checked


Thanks for your help

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But i think to keep it less creepy I'll send something like this


"I know this is a bit creepy, but I'm pretty sure you were at the acting workshop last night and your name was the only one I remembered that seemed to be working with "agent".


I was wondering if I could ask for some advice because I didn't have time to stay after and ask someone"


Is that a better way to start?


hmmm, don't love it. But if you are never going to see her again, it might be only way. Don't say "i know this is a bit creepy". THAT is creepy. Don't say negative things like that or diminish your approach. If you're gonna do it, act like you have complete confidence in what you are doing. Like it's not weird at all and that you are not totally making up a reason. I'd be more inclined to ask about other classes she takes rather than the agent thing. She might think you are a user or climber.

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Agree with above posters. Erase creepy.


Things are only awkward or creepy if you make it that way... Keep cool and you'll do ok.

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It would have been better if you would have talked to her at the class and asked for her number there. Why do you say there were obvious reason you did not? I don't buy it. So what if there were other people around? They would have been impressed.


However, facebook is public - ask if you want - I'd only ask once.

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I'm curious as well why you didn't talk to her in person? Also remember just because someone is listed as single on facebook doesn't mean they actually are. I think it would be fine to find her on facebook if you had actually talked to her.


That is the part I don't get but as others have said you have nothing to lose really other than making her feel awkward.

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Holy sh*t I actually sent a message, I've never done something like this in my life haha, I hated knowing that nothing would happen if I didn't send anyhting. I sent this:


"Hey, I'm pretty sure you were at the acting workshop last night and your name was the only one I remembered.


I thought your monologue was really good.


I was wondering if you know of any other classes or something I could do to improve my acting.


I was going to ask people after the class but I had to leave quickly.




I'll keep you updated.....jeeze im a bit nervous about it

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It would have been better if you would have talked to her at the class and asked for her number there. Why do you say there were obvious reason you did not? I don't buy it. So what if there were other people around? They would have been impressed.


However, facebook is public - ask if you want - I'd only ask once.


I didn't speak to her because i was been a pus*y is what I meant. I understand I need to man up and im still learning that.

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Good luck with the message.


I met a girl out once and spurns out she went to my Hugh school but younger than me. After I left I kicked myself for not getting her contact info. I knew enough about her to find her in an alumni database. I emailed her but never heard back. I figured at least I gave it a shot. A few months later I saw her at an event I was at but she was with a guy this time (maybe a first date). I kind of avoided running into her because thought it was a bit embarrassing if she got my message and choice not to respond. But, it is possible the email in the alumni database was an old one too.

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Very positive response, it was actually really long and she ended up adding me as a friend straight away.


Now im going to move into talking to her more personally and go from their.


I'll eventually ask if she'll consider teaching me some things herself.


Hopefully this thread helps a people to just take action and give things a go because you never know the outcome.


Thanks for everyone's help, I'll keep everyone updated.

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So far we've been talking back and fourth a bit.


I've just sent the deciding message along the lines of


"Would you consider teaching me some acting skills?, in return I could train you or something haha"


The last part is because I'm a personal trainer.


I'll let you know how she responds.


This is so exciting, even if she says no haha

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I was going to tell you to do it, so I'm so happy to read the update!!!


If a girl likes you, nothing you do is creepy. It becomes romantic.

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I was going to tell you to do it, so I'm so happy to read the update!!!


If a girl likes you, nothing you do is creepy. It becomes romantic.


Lucky she was interested or I could of been labeled a stalker haha


Nah, it's pretty obvious to tell when a girl is giving off signals of interest.


I'm really glad I did it too, I've never done it before either but their was something about this girl. I'm not putting her on pedestal but she just seemed like a lovely girl.

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