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The female "I want to live alone" alumni


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Okay ladies, please don't deny this. This disturbing trend is painfully obvious and I am very curious.


What is it about women these days that many of them would rather just live alone than be with a spouse or mate of some kind? As me, I can't imagine being truly happy, living out the remainder of my life by myself. It is not about insecurity or being needy, it's more that I choose not to spend the rest of my days on this Earth not having good companionship, good sex nor someone to take care of and to take care of me.


And make no mistake, as you age sex will stop as will the companionship. Not trying to be rude, it's just a fact.


So, counting them in my life: I know seven ladies who have decided they never want to date, marry or have a man in their lives other than casual friendship for the rest of it, compared with the one man who wanted a relationship but gave up on having one because no woman was up to his standards. These are possibly skewed statistics since they have only one thing in common, and that's knowing me, but the numbers are too obvious to ignore, especially when added to the fact that I have noticed other men saying the same thing, and ladies here who feel that way too.


So, please be honest. What's up?




I've said those things before but only because I haven't met that person yet that I want to live with. I think we say it out of fear of the unknown or the expectation that it may never happen for us.

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I've said those things before but only because I haven't met that person yet that I want to live with. I think we say it out of fear of the unknown or the expectation that it may never happen for us.


Hi April,


I know what you mean and that's the "normal" feeling as far as I am concerned. The problem is these women really do mean it! Okay, considering my STBX, I don't know, how can I? She may hook up with some guy and be happy. If so, more power to her! I'm done.


But, her words were she is "happier alone", she "never wants to be married again", and she feels some other person in her life "drags her down", so do you think she is looking?


I'm not looking because I am still kinda reeling, but I do have a date tomorrow for lunch. It's going to be 80% business and 20% pleasure...or is it the other way around? After speaking or texting with her for a mere 10 hours today, you tell me? Is she interested?


It does not matter. She is not going to work out as her plans exist; as well as mine, so we'll see. It will probably be mostly business. That said, obviously things were said and feelings exchanged in ten hours of communication. I'm definitely looking forward to it!


Hugs!! I'll let you all know how it goes, because obviously everyone wants to know! LOL



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