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Can someone be addicted to weed??

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Does that sound normal to you? Not to me.


Would someone coming out of a movie would say: Man I need a drink that movie was intense!


Pot 3-4 times a week with friends

Pot to whine down before bed

Pot to relax from an intense movie

What else? She likes her pot before sex too?


It's not recreational anymore it's an addiction.


Do you want everyone of your memories together tinted with pot?


This is us in Italy (she's on pot), this is us at xmas (she's on pot), the best sex she was on pot.




How do you know if it's an addiction?? Maybe she loves smoking pot that much.


I smoke 2-3 times a day. Once before I workout in the morning. Once when I get home and usually once before bed. I do it because I enjoy it.


I can go days without it, I can go weeks, I've gone months! You can not agree with it but maybe she wants the answer to this question, "Do you want everyone of your memories together tinted with pot?" to be "Yes".


If you don't like it you should probably get out of the relationship.

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How do you know if it's an addiction?? Maybe she loves smoking pot that much.
It's an addiction because she NEEDS it contrary to your example where you do it because you LIKE IT.


FF has asked her to tone it down, she can't do it. When you cannot put pot aside for 1 day, I'd say it's an addiction. When you NEED it to calm down it's an addiction the same way I would see someone needing alcohol to calm down as an addiction.



If you don't like it you should probably get out of the relationship.


I agree with that.

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She uses it 3-4 times a week with friends. On top of that you have to add those times she uses it to relax and the times she needs after movies, and what else? after dentist? after getting her garage bill? What is the total now? 7-8 times a week?

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FF has asked her to tone it down, she can't do it. When you cannot put pot aside for 1 day, I'd say it's an addiction.


I disagree. When you cannot put pot aside for yourself for 1 day, probably a dependence issue. When you don't put it aside for someone else that wants to change you into someone they might prefer, I'd say it's a case of having healthy boundaries.

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She uses it 3-4 times a week with friends. On top of that you have to add those times she uses it to relax and the times she needs after movies, and what else? after dentist? after getting her garage bill? What is the total now? 7-8 times a week?



Just out of curiosity. How much all this pot cost?


As a pothead, I don't believe she "needs it" even though that is what she is saying.


3-4 times a week on occasion prolly puts you at an eighth every 2-3 weeks probably. It depends how much you buy at a time for cost..an eighth is usually around $45.

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She uses it 3-4 times a week with friends. On top of that you have to add those times she uses it to relax and the times she needs after movies, and what else? after dentist? after getting her garage bill? What is the total now? 7-8 times a week?



Just out of curiosity. How much all this pot cost?


I think another telling sign of addiction, or close to, is when he asked her to not smoke it for ONE NIGHT ...and her response to was to get angry and start an argument.


I think that right there shows this is a significant issue for her....I mean it was one night!


Unless she's rebelling against her perception that he's attempting to control and dominate her ....which given his own admission that he tends to be dominant in relationships, is definitely something to consider too.


I think there is more to this story than she smokes pot ...


If she's starting arguments and shyt, she may be on her way out .....



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Replying as an avid smoker.


If you don't smoke regularly you won't understand. Smoking to some is a necessity not because of addition but because of the positive effects it has on our life. For me it helps regulate my moods. I was an emotional mess and flying off the walls, until I returned to smoking daily.


Weed is very taboo - this is clearly changing now thank God.


I'm 32, successful in my career, run a horse farm also by myself on top of working full time, have great relationships with friends etc. Weed is not a negative thing. The way people perceive it what is negative.


If you are truly against cannabis use then I say break it off. My advice however is to accept it, and maybe learn more about it so you understand the benefits it can bring to some people's lives.

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That's it! Sativa strains only.


Household indica ban.


This was my thought too - I like the Kush as it makes me super motivated to clean house lol

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As a pothead, I don't believe she "needs it" even though that is what she is saying.


Even though she says herself she needs it you don't believe she does? You mean you know better than her? When someone tell you they need something usually it's because they do. In the morning when I say I need my coffee, believe me, it's cause I need it !



3-4 times a week on occasion prolly puts you at an eighth every 2-3 weeks probably. It depends how much you buy at a time for cost..an eighth is usually around $45.


No, read again.


3-4 times a week means 3-4 times a week. Not every other week.


So 4 X $45 = $180 a week for smoking with friends.

If we add the whining down, the calming down, and what's not lets add another 3X$45 = $135


Total: $315 a WEEK. Lets round it up to $280. Lets be conservative. That is $1,120 a month budget on pot.

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I smoke daily and several times a day on the weekend, I used to spend about $60 for a month and a half so not sure where you are getting those numbers.


Who cares if she needs it? It's a natural plant with many benefits. Many people NEED their anti depressants and viagara but we don't call them addicts. Cannabis is not a drug, it's a plant. Get educated!

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No, read again.


3-4 times a week means 3-4 times a week. Not every other week.


So 4 X $45 = $180 a week for smoking with friends.

If we add the whining down, the calming down, and what's not lets add another 3X$45 = $135


Total: $315 a WEEK. Lets round it up to $280. Lets be conservative. That is $1,120 a month budget on pot.


No, Gaeta, the math was right. If she smokes 3-4 times a week, then she is using an 8th of weed every 2-3 weeks. "An 8th of weed" is equal to 3.5 grams, which is what costs $45.

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Replying as an avid smoker.


If you don't smoke regularly you won't understand. Smoking to some is a necessity not because of addition but because of the positive effects it has on our life. For me it helps regulate my moods. I was an emotional mess and flying off the walls, until I returned to smoking daily.


Weed is very taboo - this is clearly changing now thank God.


I'm 32, successful in my career, run a horse farm also by myself on top of working full time, have great relationships with friends etc. Weed is not a negative thing. The way people perceive it what is negative.


If you are truly against cannabis use then I say break it off. My advice however is to accept it, and maybe learn more about it so you understand the benefits it can bring to some people's lives.


Well being how he said in his OP how funny, engaging, social and full of energy she is when she DOESN'T smoke, obviously she doesn't need it to regulate moods or enhance her life.

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Who cares if she needs it? It's a natural plant with many benefits. Many people NEED their anti depressants and viagara but we don't call them addicts. Cannabis is not a drug, it's a plant. Get educated!


I think you are the one who should get educated. A lot of our medications, dangerous medications that can kill or damage us come from plants. It's not because it's a plant that it's inoffensive.


There are 100s of studies now on damages caused by long term usage of pot. The pot you buy is not the pot they used in the 70s either. Your pot is cut with all types of sh$t.





  • Sensory distortion
  • Panic
  • Anxiety
  • Poor coordination of movement
  • Lowered reaction time
  • After an initial “up,” the user feels sleepy or depressed
  • Increased heartbeat (and risk of heart attack)

LONG-term effects of marijuana



  • Reduced resistance to common illnesses (colds, bronchitis, etc.)
  • Suppression of the immune system
  • Growth disorders
  • Increase of abnormally structured cells in the body
  • Reduction of male sex hormones
  • Rapid destruction of lung fibers and lesions (injuries) to the brain could be permanent
  • Reduced sexual capacity
  • Study difficulties: reduced ability to learn and retain information
  • Apathy, drowsiness, lack of motivation
  • Personality and mood changes
  • Inability to understand things clearly

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Until you step up a gear and compete and get a random drugs test then its Hasta la vista baby and a heck of a lot of lost custom and shame...



The only time I was ever subjected to random drug tests was at a minimum wage job at a nursery. I spent a significant part of my career in Pharma working with schedule 1 narcotics and I was never tested, nor was I required to as a condition of employment. They had the rather ridiculous view that if it wasn't affecting your work it was none of their business.


You do realize of course that the only reason companies routinely check for pot is that detection is cheap and easy, and cannabinoids can remain detectable in your blood for up to 30 days. And it's a way for companies to pay lip service to a drug-free workplace while avoiding the expense of more thorough tests that can reveal historical use of far more problematic drugs.

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I was addicted to weed for ten years. When I didn't smoke, I became very agitated, angry and depressed. I quit for many reasons: I hated the smoker's cough I had, the extra weight from the munchies and the cost. I've almost reached 120 days without weed and I feel great.


We can become addicted to any substance or pattern of behavior.

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  • 3 weeks later...


Who cares if she needs it? It's a natural plant with many benefits. Many people NEED their anti depressants and viagara but we don't call them addicts. Cannabis is not a drug, it's a plant. Get educated!


It's as much, or little, a drug as alcohol is. It's harmful if used wrongly.


Talking about addictions, it's not ultimately about the substance, type of food etc. It's about your abnormal dopamine consumption. Anything can cause it: drugs, alcohol, chocolate, playing games, masturbation or playing basketball.

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I think you are the one who should get educated. A lot of our medications, dangerous medications that can kill or damage us come from plants. It's not because it's a plant that it's inoffensive.


There are 100s of studies now on damages caused by long term usage of pot. The pot you buy is not the pot they used in the 70s either. Your pot is cut with all types of sh$t.





  • Sensory distortion
  • Panic
  • Anxiety
  • Poor coordination of movement
  • Lowered reaction time
  • After an initial “up,” the user feels sleepy or depressed
  • Increased heartbeat (and risk of heart attack)

LONG-term effects of marijuana



  • Reduced resistance to common illnesses (colds, bronchitis, etc.)
  • Suppression of the immune system
  • Growth disorders
  • Increase of abnormally structured cells in the body
  • Reduction of male sex hormones
  • Rapid destruction of lung fibers and lesions (injuries) to the brain could be permanent
  • Reduced sexual capacity
  • Study difficulties: reduced ability to learn and retain information
  • Apathy, drowsiness, lack of motivation
  • Personality and mood changes
  • Inability to understand things clearly


A lot of those studies, I've noticed, are if you do them too often (like every day), or if you start at a young age (in no way am I dismissing your findings)


Most of the anxiety, paranoia, and most of the short term effects highly depends on the strain and the type (i.e. sativa, indica). If not from a proper dispensiary or doctor you're more likely to come across hybrids which can greatly affect how you react as well.


Too much of anything is never a good thing and everyone reacts to think differenty (someone who's depressed are more likely to smoke a week than someone who isn't, etc.). If it interferes with your everyday life and functions then it's safe to say it's an addiction.

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A lot of people with ADHD (low and behold, it's a real condition, not a marketing scheme) self medicate with weed (or other drugs) as it helps settle their mind in much the same way.



As negatively as you talk about ADHD medications they are quite necessary for some people and a long with therapy can do a world of good. Maybe the first step for her, should be getting treatment for her condition so that she can function without being high.

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So is it possible to be addicted to weed?


Any tips on easing her off?


The crazy thing is she functions much, much better on it than off it. Her concentration improves. She does better at work on it.


While it is possible an actual physical addiction to this substance is very rare. She is using shatter and oil which are much stronger than the regular, but again its just stronger.


Its more likely she is what you'd call a "chronic". She may have natural anxiety issue that the substance helps. Much better for her to be on this than benzodiazapenes if this is the case.

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I can attest to the reproductive system changes and lowered immune system of daily weed smoking.


My period was irregular when I smoked constantly. Ever since I quit, my period is like clockwork and it is shorter.


I had colds and flu at least twice a season when I was smoking. I have not been sick once this year.

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The body is affected by anything and everything you put into it or don't put into it. Marijuana is no different. I have never known a daily marijuana smoker who DIDN'T have both psychological and physical issues when they tried to quit (usually illness, emotional difficulties, and even psychotic symptoms), and the majority of them wound up going back to marijuana after a short period of attempting sobriety in order to self-soothe the side effects from quitting. That sounds like addiction to me.

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