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Non virgin wife

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So what if it is? Good God how many women at 5'1 won't take a man under 7'2"? Or don't have a job but want some successful career man?


Double standards are part of life and we ALL have them, so get over it.


Get over yourself dude! Did I ever say I gave a toss?

No we don't ALL have double standards.

P.S Are you short and unemployed?

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would marry as Virgin as she would be like me but I do feel it's the blind leading the blind but my mother would prefer that but always can never tell


When you put a dog into water for the first time what do they do? They swim. How? They've never done it, but it is instinct. You'll figure it out, as will the girl. If you love each other the sex will be great.

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This is completely offensive.


The most offensive things are usually the most truthful ones though too.

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So, I'm about to get married next month to the girl that I love.

Only thing is that she is not pure. Also, she admitted still having feelings for the man that robbed me of her virginity.


I have started two threads here describing our situation in detail, so I'll not go into that again. I just wanted to ask for advice on how to best cope with this pain.


Also, if there are similar couples among you that have worked, please share.


Sounds like your thoughts are a little twisted on the situation. No one robbed you of her virginity. Remember it was "HER" virginity not yours, unless your part of ISIS and think you own her. He did not take it from her, she offered it to him when they made love together and she still has feelings for him. She needs to make a decision whether or not she loves you and wants to be with you. Plain and simple.

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Get over yourself dude! Did I ever say I gave a toss?

No we don't ALL have double standards.

P.S Are you short and unemployed?


I'm 5'11", employed, and happily married.


The proper term for a woman without double standards is transvestite.

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OP, Your issue isn't your beliefs, it's that you feel that you are self-righteous, and are passing judgment without the authority to do so. That's what is referred to as pride. Having this pride is like saying to God," I'll do your job for you, because I'm equal to your authority." You'd think God would strike you down right there, but instead, God said that if you judge others on earth, they are absolved of that sin in heaven. The reason why God was so cool with this, is because God knows that when we judge, we take on the other person's sin. Forgiveness, is the only way to remove it.


I'll apply this to the OP's situation. You have taken authority from God by judging your fiance. Now you are suffering. You are suffering because you have absolved her of her sin, and taken it onto yourself. You're feeling negative aren't you. That's because when we judge others negatively, we take negativity into ourselves. It's how God is punishing you for your pride. However, you can absolve yourself, by forgiving her, and you'll release you negative feelings. The first step, is realizing it wasn't your place to judge her in the first place.

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The guy that's bent on marrying a virgin will often be upset because she doesn't turn into a porn star after marriage.


Either you can accept she's not a virgin or you can't, but make a decision before you get married. If you decide you can handle it then it's off limits for discussion. If you can't do that then move on.

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