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Love makes me feel like I've lost my mind

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My boyfriend and I are breaking up and it's on good terms, and I understand but it still is devastating. Basically he is young and feels insecure because he doesn't really have a lot of life experience. Which I get, I was there...you're young you need to explore, experience, feel free. We were really good to one another and had this amazing trust/bond for a while. Of course there were problems looming like past issues from his childhood, etc. I'm happy and excited for him that he's going out into the world to find out who he truly is but I'm still effing SAD. Ugh.



What sucks is that he was the one that pushed for the relationship, he wanted to be at my place every single night, he wanted to move in together, he wanted this whole entire life. Also there is something about me that makes it hard for him to open up to me...which hurts because I've never had anyone every tell me I'm hard to talk to. Everyone always says I'm the easiest person in the world to talk to...but there is something about our dynamic that makes him clam up. Alas...it is a moot point because I am moving out and we are separating. I guess I'm just looking for peace of mind because there is no one else involved and we still really love each AND if I'm completely honest with myself he wasn't a great partner and I was unhappy a significant amount of time. Plus I changed who I was because he was so insecure and I didn't want to make him feel worse. I know I know. Dumb. But why do I still love him so damn much? Why do I want to work it out? It makes me feel crazy.




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