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Interesting observation on NC

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Why even communicate with her when all she really does is continue to pick fights with you?


Do not communicate - ever! That means no more arguments!

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That Particular NC email can be sent at any point during break-up as a Reverse Psychology mechanism. Now, suddenly, according to the "Kick Loves Azz" theory (not a bad theory), she is like, "Huh?" "Wait a second, I thought I was calling the shots here?!?!?" "He agrees with the break-up? Wait, I broke up with him, I thought I was in charge of NC!" "Um, this is causing me discomfort - what's he up to?" "Maybe he met someone!" "Oh, no, maybe I made a mistake."


The way you will totally blow this is by breaking NC. Even for tax purposes. Have an accountant contact her. Kick Loves Azz is a very successful program of which I am a member. It works. Plan on it for a year - or you will not be taken seriously by your wife or the membership.


Plain and simple, period.


What are you talking, moving back there? That is the biggest con I ever heard, and that is what you will get told on the site if you are accepted.


Going dark - means disappearing. Stop talking from both sides of mouth like wife who is sleeping with bunch of guys. Get real man! You got the idea - but not full implementation is the key. Stay away. Tax - forget it. File separate. Who cares if it costs a little more. Isn't your sanity and future worth it? You want her to keep yanking your chain she installed? Ok, you got it from the horses mouth. I know ALL the programs. And this one is the best. Go Scott! Yas

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I want her back.

After much consideration, I agree with you about the decision to end the relationship.

How do you go from former to latter in one day :confused: ???


As others have pointed out, lots of games being played here...


Mr. Lucky

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