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<Getting picked up at> Whole Foods

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OMG, it's like you girls only read what you want to read and ignore everything else. I already addressed your concerns on "yoga pants" more than twice.


Here it is once again. I am not going to approach a girl just because of how she chooses to dress. This is just foolish, you don't need to tell me...repeatedly like a broken record. All I did was note what the women were wearing.


I actually only go up to women that seems interested in me based on her behaviour towards me. I am sure most other guys are the same.


I almost never cold approach anywhere, including clubs and bars. I am not a numbers guy and I am not trying to "date" a different girl every other day.


You're an introverted girl that sees a guy you like and have a hard time hiding you like him? You still might have a chance that thay guy comes up to you if he is like me.


You're an introverted girl that sees a guy you like but keeps your feelings buried and appear a total blank wall? It's going to be a lonely life for you filled with only guys that ask 1000 girls for their "digits" hoping they get lucky.


It's going to require more than you just dressing up for me to come up to you.

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