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He wont text me or reply to my messages. Im desperate.. !? [updates]

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Instead of being so self-centered, I suggest you spend a little bit of time familiarizing yourself with what "having a couple of strokes" really means.




Do you realize how you're coming across? Like a petulant child, as in "You won't play with me so I'm going to take my dolls an go home."




See my first response above. I don't think you have any idea what a serious health issue "having a stroke" really is. They're called "the silent killer" for good reason -- they often come on without warning and even if a person may have first had a mild one, the chance he/she will have a major one in close proximity that will have permanent, devastating effects is greatly increased.


If the person who has the stroke can't predict when he/she will have one, how do you figure a family member would have fair warning and *know* in advance they need to be at a family member's side who's seriously ill on a particular date and time? This isn't like having a scheduled surgical operation. It strikes out of the blue.




Oh, for god's sake. You have NO idea what this guy and his family is dealing with. NO idea about how serious the stroke was or whether the guy's father had several more, which is not all that uncommon. And, obviously you have NO idea what it's like to have to deal with a family medical issue as serious as this one.


ALL you care about is YOU, YOU, YOU -- and not only that, NOW, NOW NOW!


I don't know why you're worried about trying to figure out how much contact qualifies as "low contact." How about just leaving the poor guy alone and letting him sort through what he's trying to deal with?


He's already told you he's having a heck of a time dealing with everything and doesn't see how he deal with YOUR needs as well. Get a grip, text him ONE more time, and tell him his dad and family need to be his priority at the moment which you understand, so you're giving him the space he needs to deal with what's more important, but hope he'll keep you posted about what's happening and that if he needs to talk, you'll be there.


Then get a job, a hobby, a new obsession. ANYTHING besides harassing this guy to death. It's annoying as hell to the other person, and makes you look like an insensitive, self-important, pathetic, needy, clingy fool.


Good luck,



This. Absolutely.


Self-absorbed to the max. Disgraceful.

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