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Trickle Truth..

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I wanted every little detail. My mind is a powerful instrument and I could come up with so much stuff blowing this whole thing into so much more than ir really was. Then I wanted to have him sit there and admit to all the things I wanted to know. I thought that alone would be a hurtful thing to have to look me in the face and tell me everything that was done when where how and what they talked about. Well let's say at 2 1.22 yr I just got a bunch of new information. So I am back at day one and I am hating him and life more than ever. I really think he does not get it. He may be a smart man when it comes to everything else but emotionally he is at a loss. No I wanted everything I did not want to be here 5 yr later with more questions and as it turns out I will never really know the timeline. I have seen her and I was completely shocked. If that is what he wants go for it she could use a sympathy card too. :eek:

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After I caught hubby a 2nd time I called OW2 the next day. She revealed to me another meeting they had (he said it didn't mean anything so he didn't tell me about it - nice logic) and that he told her I had had an affair. I told him to get the eff out of my house.


One would think, after all this, that the truth would then be forthcoming. I remembered that I had put a VAR in his car the day before. I went upstairs, locked myself in the bathroom and listened to it. She had been in our car and I heard them making out. so, I went downstairs and asked him if she had been in our car. No. You sure about that?


It makes me sick to think about it. I should have thrown his **** on the lawn for another lie. I told him to get the **** out and sell the car she had been in. It took him 5 months to sell it with ultimatums and he didn't understand why.


If i was the person then I am now we would no longer be married. Seriously, don't accept ONE lie, even by omission. I can't believe I put up with all this. I'm most angry at myself, I guess.

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veritas lux mea

I didn't trickle truth but I don't think all WS do it for self protection I think it can be done to protect the BS. Problem is unless you are actually the WS you have no idea what is true. So, after the betrayal of the A it is hard to believe that the WS is trying to protect the BS. Specially if you have the simplistic view that people can't change course or mindset. Or that convinctions don't change.


My H never freaked out at me. He created a safe enviroment that made letting it all come out easy. Once I started I may have tmi ed him. But when you give full truth it is harder to believe the stereotype that the cheater always minimizes. I did not give a play by play of sex. Couldn't have really because most times I was too drunk to remember everything.

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