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Heartbroken feeling suicidal

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I too am sorry you are going through this.



However, you are not the 1st person whose marriage ended. You are not the 1st person whose spouse cheated. You CAN get through this. Suicide is not the answer. Your kids will NEVER get over it.



My EXBF killed himself. Even though his son was 18 at the time & understood that his father had diagnosed mental illnesses for which he was receiving treatment, that young man has never fully recovered.



You didn't do anything to deserve your wife cheating. You could have done everything perfectly & she still would have made bad choices.



Get a good lawyer. Get your kids some help if they need it. Keep the lines of communication with your kids open. Teach them how to Skype. Call them every day if you can. Fight for joint custody.



Your STBEX ruined your marriage. Even if you weren't a perfect husband, you didn't make her cheat. She did that all on her own. She always had the option of doing the honorable thing & breaking up with you rather than going outside the marriage but she didn't. That's on her, not you.



Hang in there. If you feel suicidal, call a friend, call a hotline, come here but don't drink & whatever you do, remember how much your kids need & love you.

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wow i feel your pain mate and i know exactly how you feel as i to have considered suicide and once i even made a noose which thinking back was stupid! please keep the faith and things will get better my ex laughed at me twice when i asked her if there was someone else and then she moved in with him! after 13 years relationship its tough i too have two kids and know how u feel about the broken home i am lucky that mine live with me but again she phones the house every day to speak to them. its been 8 months at the end of this month since she left i had bread crumbs but i have struggled letting go of anger and i just dont want to see her or talk to her and you wont like this bit but yeah time does heal things although a few weeks back i did feel whats the point and you know what alot of people do feel this way but you know what we battle through it. do it for your kids just you and your kids! if you ever wanna talk your welcome to pm me!

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