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Am I going crazy or is she psycho?


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Bear with me on this story...


Friday night I left a bar with a coworker with both my house keys and my car keys (different rings) in my pocket. We went to my house, literally half a mile away. I got out of her car and dug through my pockets, only able to find my car keys... So, being drunk and stupid, I shimmied up the side of the apartment to the second story, where I jumped the rail and opened the porch door to my apartment. All the while she was continuing to look in her car for my house keys. I let her in. We talked and made out for about half an hour. At 3 am, I walked her downstairs and she left. I remembered seeing my car keys in the house when she left, still no sign of the house keys.


After she was gone I walked outside and scanned the ground for my house keys and found nothing. I didn't go into my car. I then got in bed around 3:30 and fell asleep. When I woke up, I found my house keys in the same pocket I had been digging through, and my car keys completely gone. I spent 3 hours with my friend turning my 1000 sq ft apartment upside down and found nothing. I even checked crazy places like the fridge, freezer, behind the stove, literally, everywhere you can possibly check, including all my clothes pockets. After spending half of today looking again I ended up calling a locksmith thinking maybe somehow since I was drunk I went in my car looking for the house keys and locked the car keys inside. Well, we got it open, no car keys.


I checked with the front desk of the apartment complex to see if they had been turned in, nothing. They literally have vanished into thin air...


Here is my question... this coworker, is about 5 years older than me, divorced and has 2 boys (2 and 5). She acts kind of kooky at work but is a genuinely nice person and has a fun personality, that being said... I can see her being kind of crazy. Is is possible that after she left she found my house keys in her car, came back put them in my pants I was wearing that night, and took my car keys? She claims when she left my house the car keys were still sitting on the coffee table. Or maybe she swiped them when I went to the bathroom and I didn't notice when I came back?


I really have no other idea what could have possibly happened to them. When I went to bed at 3:30 they were in the den, when I woke up at 11:15, they were gone, and the house keys were in my pants where I had dug through the night before- she claims I must have just not noticed them when I was digging through my pants....


What do you guys think??? Don't have experience with crazy girls really

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This is one of those things where it's hard to prove anything, but it's definitely wise to keep your "radar" up now. People who are truly pathological can't be discovered by isolated incidents. She may very well be a normal down to earth girl and you might just be mistaken. But if she's a little "off", it's going to take several different events all fitting a pattern.

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My friend seems to think it makes perfect sense. She took my keys so she could see me more- she has even offered to drive me to GM to get a new key cut and on top of that threw out a casual invitation to go to dinner with her and some other people tomorrow night. So, she is clearly into me. She just dropped by and I confronted her and she said she'd kick me in the face with her boot if I started accusing her of taking them. Then she asked why would she take them that makes no sense and I said I don't know- I don't know you, then said she was wild crazy but not psycho crazy.

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How much did you drink?


Many, many moons ago when I was a young stupid las, I went to a concert where I drank waayyy too much beer on a very hot afternoon.


When I went to leave that evening, my keys were gone. I searched, and my friends searched, my purse, my being, and the whole area I was at for a long time. I never found the keys.


Luckily, I found a ride home, and in my drunken state, had to pound on the door to awake (and bother) my brother to let me in the house. I never made it to my room, and I passed out on the couch. When I woke up in the morning....my keys were in my pocket.


Strange things happen. Obviously, I wasn't supposed to drive that night. I would just let this go.....but file it mentally in case anything odd happens with this person again.

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Is is possible that after she left she found my house keys in her car, came back put them in my pants I was wearing that night, and took my car keys? She claims when she left my house the car keys were still sitting on the coffee table. Or maybe she swiped them when I went to the bathroom and I didn't notice when I came back?


Those all seem like some pretty far-fetched allegations. Which scenario makes the most sense: you being drunk and losing track of your belongings, or her being some scheming lunatic who is trying to mess with your head or manipulate you by playing games with your keys?


I mean, yeah, she could be nuts. But I'm not sure why you're leaning that way instead of just figuring, "I was drunk and I probably did something dumb" like most people would.

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I know, but I wasn't blacked out, and I have covered literally every possible other option out there. That's why I wasn't going to resort to a locksmith unless I was completely sure they weren't in the hosue. Why would I call a locksmith when my memory told me I never even went in the car and that the keys were left in the house? Well they just aren't in here so I assumed I did something drunk I didn't remember like get in the car, it's a possibility because I went outside after she left but apparently I didn't, because they aren't in the car. That means my memory is accurate and leaves no other possible option besides they were taken from me

Edited by lovesick1
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I know, but I wasn't blacked out, and I have covered literally every possible other option out there. That's why I wasn't going to resort to a locksmith unless I was completely sure they weren't in the hosue. Why would I call a locksmith when my memory told me I never even went in the car and that the keys were left in the house? Well they just aren't in here so I assumed I did something drunk I didn't remember like get in the car, it's a possibility because I went outside after she left but apparently I didn't, because they aren't in the car. That means my memory is accurate and leaves no other possible option besides they were taken from me

Rubbish! I lost my car keys some years ago (while completely sober) I'd chucked them on the Kitchen bench, but when I went to use my car couldn't find them any where....I searched for ages before calling a locksmith and getting new ones cut.

A few months later I went to clean the stove and found my car keys had slid of the bench and underneath the elements towards the back of the stove. To this day I don't know whether I knocked them there with a package, or chucked them too hard in the first place. I do know that I never accussed anyone of stealing them....AND I had 2 toddlers in the house at the time!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

i remember when i was around 15. i had a card deck. i could throw this cards hard as hell. well the card clearly flew to the right of my room. i just could not find it.



many years later i found it behind a wardrobe on the left side of my room. it most have bounced or something. i still cannot explain it:o

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Dude. You were drunk and misplaced them. Although if she's a bit crazy, it could be one hell of a practical joke.

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