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"same old story"....

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I am currently in a "relationship" with a woman at my work... who lives with her boyfriend of about 3 years. She is unhappy with him and he treats her like crap. And I know this not just by her words but also from her sister whom contacted me after she told her sister about me. Her sister tried to convince her to leave him cause I wouldnt be around forever. What started as friends has become somewhat more. I know you all have heard this time and time again, but bare with me as I could use some insight....


Our friendship started to escalate a few months back, when she exclaimed that "if she wasn't with her boyfriend than I would be hers." Since then we have grown very close. Attended the work Christmas Party together and acted very "date like", we talk everynight, have spoken about a future,she has even told me she could see marriage and kids with me down the road (obviously aways down the road), something her current boyfriend does not want and she does. She has visited me at my house many times but we have never kissed or been intimate. But have talked about it before. A couple times I have grown impatient and asked her when and if she was going to leave. I have been understanding that its not easy to just pick up and go, she lives there, and has been with him for sometime. Lately when I asked she said she was just focusing on getting through the holidays which I also understood. But I do not feel like any progress is being made..... I have very strong feelings for her and have told her that. Everything short of telling her I love her. But the situation is killing me. I think about her all the time. I always want to be with her, and when I am its amazing. But as soon as she leaves I feel gutted, afraid, and twist myself in knots...


I know most of you are going to tell me its not gonna happen and to cut bait and break it off. But even if I do that, I still have to work with her so having no contact will be tricky....


Anyways im just looking for some insight. Maybe from others who have been down this road.


Thanks in advance and sorry for the long post.

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I am currently in a "relationship" with a woman at my work... who lives with her boyfriend of about 3 years. She is unhappy with him and he treats her like crap.
If the above is true then why is she still with him?


Doesn't she love and respect herself enough to either do something about it or move on?


I would be wary of someone who claims to be in a bad relationship and can't seem to do anything except moan about it.


So she wants marriage to this guy and he doesn't? That's one big difference in expectations that isn't going to be resolved any time soon. And why would she want to marry someone who "treats her life crap" ? Duh.


Tell her to tinkle or get off the potty - unless you want to be an unpaid therapist.

Edited by Arieswoman
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