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Victoria's Secret Angels workout and diet

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I looked at the model you mentioned..(Lima)..Very pretty girl with an ample set of tits and a nice meaty ass. If anything you are making my point with that comparison. And the so called "mens" magazines you mention are full of big breasted women, I really dont know what you are referring to..


How does she differ from the others? They all look very similar to her in body type, imo.....

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How does she differ from the others? They all look very similar to her in body type, imo.....



Go back to the OP and take a look at the photo of Martha Hunt making the heart gesture with her hands...Look at her forearms...


Case closed..



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im still masturbating to them


Give it a break for today...No need to make the baby Jesus cry on His Birthday..



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Go back to the OP and take a look at the photo of Martha Hunt making the heart gesture with her hands...Look at her forearms...


Case closed..




I think that's Karlie Kloss? I'm confused.


But when you were calling the women on the site sticks, and boy-like, and more, were you not including Adriana Lima? She's the lead photo, and the "face" of VS Angels. So you can see how it may be confusing to read that described as boyish and not fertile looking, not to mention bizarre when you say that comparison makes your point, as she is the leading example of the women you criticized....?????

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Is all the dick and ass name-calling really necessary on Christmas Eve? Sheesh. Take a break for a day or two. Thank you!

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I think that's Karlie Kloss? I'm confused.


But when you were calling the women on the site sticks, and boy-like, and more, were you not including Adriana Lima? She's the lead photo, and the "face" of VS Angels. So you can see how it may be confusing to read that described as boyish and not fertile looking, not to mention bizarre when you say that comparison makes your point, as she is the leading example of the women you criticized....?????


Did you see the one I was talking about??...Her forearms are nothing but bones with skin..Take a look also at the Chinese model..Yikes...


The 21 year old from the UK with the soccer ball looks fantastic...I will admit..


Point is this..


I dont have to "cherry pick" each and every one for their individual assets and liabilities..Only a moron would say that these women arent attractive..But I will tell you that as a guy, thats surrounded by guys all day due to the nature of my business, I hear a lot about what they like and dont like. And almost exclusively, they prefer women that have some muscle mass, and arent super thin with two half melon shaped artificial forms for tits...So sue us...You can not like that thats how it is, but what can I tell you?


Ill say it again...If you are happy about who you are and how you look, then it shouldnt matter that someone likes something else...Thats all. Doesnt make me or anyone else wrong that they prefer a different type.


Like they say at Burger King.."Have it your way"


Enjoy the holiday.



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I think that's Karlie Kloss? I'm confused.


But when you were calling the women on the site sticks, and boy-like, and more, were you not including Adriana Lima? She's the lead photo, and the "face" of VS Angels. So you can see how it may be confusing to read that described as boyish and not fertile looking, not to mention bizarre when you say that comparison makes your point, as she is the leading example of the women you criticized....?????



I just looked again...I am correct...Go back to the site and scroll down to the photo of Martha Hunt doing the heart shape with her hands.



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I dont have to "cherry pick" each and every one for their individual assets and liabilities..Only a moron would say that these women arent attractive..But I will tell you that as a guy, thats surrounded by guys all day due to the nature of my business, I hear a lot about what they like and dont like. And almost exclusively, they prefer women that have some muscle mass, and arent super thin with two half melon shaped artificial forms for tits...So sue us...You can not like that thats how it is, but what can I tell you?


Again about the breasts....it's a waterbra! I wonder if men can't identify a push-up bra vs. breast implants?


I did find Martha Hunt, and don't really see anything wrong with her arms. Kind of look like mine :p


And yes, only a moron would say these women aren't attractive. :)

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I think these women are beautiful; I wouldn't mind looking more like them. I do sometimes think that some of them - them, as in famous women who are polished and primped this way - can look plastic. I've thought that before, thinking I wouldn't like to be primped that much, but it must be nice.


When I was 21/22, I dropped a lot of weight easily (and accidentally), since I didn't have a huge appetite, and I was following more difficult workouts with a quart of fresh vegetable juice. I was drinking it for another reason, not to lose weight, and it was only three times a week. I'm more impressed by those over a certain age, who maintain their figures, and feel good about themselves. I miss exercising, but don't want to running myself into the ground, just to be acceptable image-wise to other people. I've had health problems, but another reason as to why I stopped exercising for a while, was to do with that: I felt like I was racing against a clock that was going to eventually win, and reading comments here and elsewhere about women my age not being wanted -ugh. I was going to exercise for myself, and nobody else, but I had to switch out of that mindset first. That's why I don't like these Victoria Secret shows, though - and someone else mentioned in another thread, that a shapely woman under 25 makes him happy. I may not be interested in him myself, but that mindset still bugs, and I think shows like this perpetuate that, although there are more secure women my age and older, who probably think nothing of it.


My sister is small-chested, and used to be very thin, but toned. She also had great legs, and she received more positive attention than I did from men. I received the more salacious rubbish - I was thin, had long legs, but also had curves. I wanted legs like hers, and she wanted a chest like mine.


*edit. I remember using tapes from The Firm, years ago. They were the ones I used when I dropped that weight. I used to read their catalogues - the "testimonials" from happy customers, to give me the motivation to exercise, and I thought the instructors looked the way they did because of the exercise... I was annoyed when I found out that they ate nothing but plain oatmeal and carrot sticks in the lead-up to filming. That isn't healthy!

Edited by Anela
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Again about the breasts....it's a waterbra! I wonder if men can't identify a push-up bra vs. breast implants?


I did find Martha Hunt, and don't really see anything wrong with her arms. Kind of look like mine :p


And yes, only a moron would say these women aren't attractive. :)



Wanna bet??:p


Ill say it again...They all look good...But Throw Beyonce or Katy Perry in those duds, trot them out, and let an audience of men decide what looks better..




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Wanna bet??:p


Ill say it again...They all look good...But Throw Beyonce or Katy Perry in those duds, trot them out, and let an audience of men decide what looks better..





They know better than to throw Beyonce or Katy Perry in those bras and trot them out. That would make the ad too racy and offend their target consumer: women.

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They look engineered.


Bet you they look pretty good in real life without all the photoshop stuff here. Models tend to know how to present themselves well and scrub up nicely. A big fat lolz to everyone here that doesn't think they are gorgeous :rolleyes:

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Bet you they look pretty good in real life without all the photoshop stuff here. Models tend to know how to present themselves well and scrub up nicely. A big fat lolz to everyone here that doesn't think they are gorgeous :rolleyes:


I don't think anyone here said they were ugly. Some people just don't like their body shape.

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I don't think anyone here said they were ugly. Some people just don't like their body shape.



Uhhhhmmmm....yep...As I said before, no one with working eyesight can say they arent gorgeous..My only issue is with the concept that someone has to be stick thin to really look hot in these types of garments..Or Heaven forbid that a size 6 or 8 with natural D cups might actually look better..



Edited by thefooloftheyear
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Uhhhhmmmm....yep...As I said before, no one with working eyesight can say they arent gorgeous..My only issue is with the concept that someone has to be stick thin to really look hot in these types of garments..Or Heaven forbid that a size 6 or 8 with natural D cups might actually look better..




Nan this just means you're fat and are secretly jealous. And anyone above size 4 is fat.

Get with it!

lol ;)

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I used to work at a gym so I can critique bodies ... their lifestyle is not attainable for the average person


Everyone who worked out at your gym was overweight and out of shape? Where did you work? Curves?


No one is saying the "average person" should train like an Olympic athlete, professional fitness instructor or VS model. But they need to jettison the excuses for not doing anything and then complaining about people who make an effort. It's envy. Sad.

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Sheesh calm down. The way VS models train is NOT attainable for average people that have jobs, kids, no nannies/chefs/maids.



I agree people make excuses to not exercise...that was NOT what I was referring to. I don't know many women with kids and a full time job (that sleep like a normal person) that can go on restrictive diets and work out for close to 2 hours a day almost every day of the week.


I agree....and quite frankly, even if they did follow the same regimen, there is no guarantee they will look like that(in fact its very likely they wont) ...This is the part that a lot of people dont get..Some people will, practically speaking, never look ideal no matter what they do..Its simply genetics..


If it was that easy. any idiot that trained in a gym and ate right would look like Arnold in his prime..



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I don't know many women with kids and a full time job (that sleep like a normal person) that can go on restrictive diets and work out for close to 2 hours a day almost every day of the week.


The Angels only do the intense diet and exercise routines in the few weeks before a show. They don't live like that all year round. Even fitness instructors take time off. You don't have to work out for two hours a day and be on restrictive diets to see results, just don't pig out and you have to be consistent with exercise. It's not a good idea to work out everyday unless you do upper body/lower body type workouts on alternate days. The muscles need time to repair. I do weights three times a week, sometimes doing a long walk beforehand as my warmup (weekends) since I have more time. Otherwise, I alternate cardio/stretch days.


I work with a few busy professionals with kids who don't have chefs but have a babysitter for when the kids come home from school. Maybe in your world that is a celebrity lifestyle? They work long hours, sometimes on weekends. They are thinner and fitter than I am.


Tracey Mallett has workout DVDs geared toward busy mothers. You can do them in ten minute increments throughout the day if that suits your lifestyle. Otherwise, most people exercise before work or when they get home.


I know that lazy people always look for excuses. Not my problem. In fact, I encourage other women to be fat and sloppy because, as a single woman, I don't need the competition.

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The Angels only do the intense diet and exercise routines in the few weeks before a show. They don't live like that all year round. Even fitness instructors take time off. You don't have to work out for two hours a day and be on restrictive diets to see results, just don't pig out and you have to be consistent with exercise. It's not a good idea to work out everyday unless you do upper body/lower body type workouts on alternate days. The muscles need time to repair. I do weights three times a week, sometimes doing a long walk beforehand as my warmup (weekends) since I have more time. Otherwise, I alternate cardio/stretch days.


I work with a few busy professionals with kids who don't have chefs but have a babysitter for when the kids come home from school. Maybe in your world that is a celebrity lifestyle? They work long hours, sometimes on weekends. They are thinner and fitter than I am.


Tracey Mallett has workout DVDs geared toward busy mothers. You can do them in ten minute increments throughout the day if that suits your lifestyle. Otherwise, most people exercise before work or when they get home.


I know that lazy people always look for excuses. Not my problem. In fact, I encourage other women to be fat and sloppy because, as a single woman, I don't need the competition.


Wow. I can't help but wonder why you worry so much about people who don't work out as much as you are?


You are working hard - I'm sure you have the body to show for it. Why do you even bother with people who sit on their asses and complain they're fat?

I mean really…

It's like the zillionth time you mention 'lazy people looking for excuses' and not just on this thread...

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