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H is at his office Christmas party


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I don't understand these companies that have Christmas parties and don't allow spouses. We wouldn't be attending any of these.


As a wayward: after PT conferences the teachers in our building go out - twice a year. I don't know if hubby is invited or not but I bring him anyway. Wouldn't be there unless he came too. It's a no brainer.

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My H and I had an "event" like this a couple years back as well. I told him GREAT! You should go and he did. The day of his event, I was invited to one as well... Funny, he wasn't as "gung-ho" with my invite. When he took the pompous attitude of I'll be home when I'm home, I did the same.

He texted me to the point of nauseum the entire evening and we met back at home around 10:30pm.


...then again, I AM better looking than him. He just needed the reminder*


Does it bother me now days? Nope. Really, if he is going to cheat again, he is going to do it. No amount of "leash tightening" or "babysitting" will stop him. Won't stop anyone for that matter.

Whatever he is going to do he will. What I HOPE stops further infidelity is what happened to him last time, knowing that if there is a second time, it done for us. So, he'd better be sure of what he wants*


Takes a Huge load off my shoulders.

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veritas lux mea

My husband always is late from parties. He is a talker and loses track of the time. So if he says he won't be late I have always expected him to be late not on purpose but because he isn't very good judge of time. He always thinks he is faster than he is when I am waiting for him but then when he is doing a chorse he doubles the time it actually took!

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