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So it's been a year, now what?


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As far as remaining checked out emotionally and sexually, you could not be more far off. This has been the most emotional year of my life and I have shared every bit of that with him. He knows exactly how I feel and why I feel that way. We are closer now than we have been in a very long long time.




That is different from the picture you're been painting so far. I was under the impression you still had no love or desire for him now.


And I didn't say you'd jump on the first strictly sexual opportunity that came along. I know thats not the case. By your own admission If the right guy came along that was offering the whole package you would've taken him up on it. It was just a technicality that it didn't happen that way before your husbands tryst.

That's all I am saying. I probably should've worded it better. My apologies if I made it sound like a slam.

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If you want to believe that I was going to jump on the first mans penis that offered me a better life, you could not be more far off. If I ever developed feelings for another man, I would have told my husband before anything ever happened. Some people know how to do things the right way.



I'm not directing this towards you or any other specific individual but everyone says that when they are talking about it in conceptual or theoretical terms. in practice in the real world it very very very very rarely ever happens that way.


Usually the cart comes quite awhile before horse on that one.


But that's neither here nor there. I intended no offense towards you or anyone else. Just acknowledging the marriage was in serious trouble well before your husbands A.

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