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Need some advice again...


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I've posted a message before and I've still kinda got the same problem. I dated this guy a couple of times and then we've been talking for pretty much the last year because we're both going to college in different towns. He has been hurt before...like two or three years ago I think and he doesn't trust any girl as far as he can throw them. I can completely understand that because I've been through it too and to a certain extent, I still have a really hard time believing guys' sincerity sometimes. There are certain guys I do trust, but most, I don't. This guy is the biggest ass sometimes but other times, he can be really sweet. I know what he's doing because I did it too for awahile...he's trying to make me mad and push me away so I can't get close. I would just give up but I see some amazing potential in him and I want him to be happy, even if it isn't with me. The problem with all of this is that part of me loves him and I don't know how it happened. He doesn't seem to know what he wants and it's almost as if he's keeping me at a distance while at the same time, he's keeping the door open in case he makes up his mind. Should I still just keep being patient or should I just give up the whole idea together and work my butt off to get over him? And how can I make him see that he can trust me, as a friend at least? I have no idea what to say to him anymore and we end up getting mad at each other all the time because he doesn't like how I get so emotional about things and make everything complicated. He likes everything simple and not emotional. What can I do differently, at least for the time being? Any advice you can give me is greatly appreciated! =)

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I've posted a message before and I've still kinda got the same problem. I dated this guy a couple of times and then we've been talking for pretty much the last year because we're both going to college in different towns. He has been hurt before...like two or three years ago I think and he doesn't trust any girl as far as he can throw them. I can completely understand that because I've been through it too and to a certain extent, I still have a really hard time believing guys' sincerity sometimes. There are certain guys I do trust, but most, I don't. This guy is the biggest ass sometimes but other times, he can be really sweet. I know what he's doing because I did it too for awahile...he's trying to make me mad and push me away so I can't get close. I would just


Well I have this friend whom I haven'tseen in a very long time. But some things have changed . He's Gay ! This man is so fime could get any girl he wants. All he did was talk about sex and what maybe he could do next. Then two years later he came out of the closet. My question is how do you know that your gay. because when I asked him how did he come to this conclusion, all he could tell me that he was always attracted to men. If that's the case then why date women if you attracted to men. But how can to know that your gay.


Get back to me as soon as possible Thanks!

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