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Jim Jones

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Here's my situation. I dated this girl for 2 years. I was 21 and she was 17 when we started dating. I was her first boyfriend. She broke up with me over a year ago. It was because she said she wanted to see other people. I treated her very well, and she even said that she would probably never find a guy that will treat her as well as i have, but she still has to look.


OK it broke my heart, but after several months of healing, i was able to get over her and move on. I have went out with several nice ladies and continue to do so, but nothing serious thus far.


Me and her (my ex girlfriend) after breaking up, decided to still be friends. Ok, that was fine, but we very rarly talked to each other. I never called her, she called me. We talked maybe 2 to 4 times a month. Well, i haven't really talked to her in a good while,(maybe like 2 months or so).


a few weeks ago, i seen her friends at the mall, and they approached me and we started talking. I asked them about her and they said that she has had her heart broken alot by several different guys she has dated after me and her broke up. They said that she still talks about me alot. They also told me that she lost her virginity to a guy, and he dumped her the next day.


Well, to make a long story short, she started calling me again last week. She has been really friendly to me. She has acted like she is depressed or something. Everytime she calls, i only talk to her for about 20 minutes, then i tell her that i have to go. But for some reason latly i have been thinking about her alot. I think i still like her. Before, it was like i was obsessed with her. Im not in anyway like that now, but i still like her. Im just so confused. Is this normal? She probably just wants a friend to listen to her problems or something, i dunno. Should i maybe start talking to her more? I really don't want to be hurt anymore by her. I don't understand, its like my feelings for her went away for several months, but now they are coming back or something. Can anyone give me there opinion on this? HELP!!!!!!!

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First of all, I think you need to ask yourself if you think you really want a relationship with this girl again. She dumped you before, who's to say she won't do it again when she finds another opportunity? I think everyone deserves one chance, but do you? I think you see yourself thinking of her more cause you remember the good times and think it can be like that again. But would it? Everyone changes and most likely with the loosers she was dating she's changed. If you really want to try it again for a new different relationship with her then go for it. I don't think she just wants a shoulder to cry on though. And it sounds like you could be used until she gets back on her feet for the next guy, so be careful.

Here's my situation. I dated this girl for 2 years. I was 21 and she was 17 when we started dating. I was her first boyfriend. She broke up with me over a year ago. It was because she said she wanted to see other people. I treated her very well, and she even said that she would probably never find a guy that will treat her as well as i have, but she still has to look. OK it broke my heart, but after several months of healing, i was able to get over her and move on. I have went out with several nice ladies and continue to do so, but nothing serious thus far.


Me and her (my ex girlfriend) after breaking up, decided to still be friends. Ok, that was fine, but we very rarly talked to each other. I never called her, she called me. We talked maybe 2 to 4 times a month. Well, i haven't really talked to her in a good while,(maybe like 2 months or so). a few weeks ago, i seen her friends at the mall, and they approached me and we started talking. I asked them about her and they said that she has had her heart broken alot by several different guys she has dated after me and her broke up. They said that she still talks about me alot. They also told me that she lost her virginity to a guy, and he dumped her the next day. Well, to make a long story short, she started calling me again last week. She has been really friendly to me. She has acted like she is depressed or something. Everytime she calls, i only talk to her for about 20 minutes, then i tell her that i have to go. But for some reason latly i have been thinking about her alot. I think i still like her. Before, it was like i was obsessed with her. Im not in anyway like that now, but i still like her. Im just so confused. Is this normal? She probably just wants a friend to listen to her problems or something, i dunno. Should i maybe start talking to her more? I really don't want to be hurt anymore by her. I don't understand, its like my feelings for her went away for several months, but now they are coming back or something. Can anyone give me there opinion on this? HELP!!!!!!!


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I feel for you. Where you were her first boyfriend and


all, she probably wanted to date around. I think most men and women that young want to play the field. I don't


think that is unusual.


I would leave her alone for a while. She may be licking


her wounds so to speak. It doesn't sound like she is


ready to start dating again. If you wanted to try to


pursue something with her again, you could tell her


that you are there for her as a friend. Maybe something


will develop later on from there.


It sounds like she is confused, hurt, maybe not knowing


what she wants.


She may realize what a great guy you are after all.


Now that she has something to compare with.

Here's my situation. I dated this girl for 2 years. I was 21 and she was 17 when we started dating. I was her first boyfriend. She broke up with me over a year ago. It was because she said she wanted to see other people. I treated her very well, and she even said that she would probably never find a guy that will treat her as well as i have, but she still has to look. OK it broke my heart, but after several months of healing, i was able to get over her and move on. I have went out with several nice ladies and continue to do so, but nothing serious thus far.


Me and her (my ex girlfriend) after breaking up, decided to still be friends. Ok, that was fine, but we very rarly talked to each other. I never called her, she called me. We talked maybe 2 to 4 times a month. Well, i haven't really talked to her in a good while,(maybe like 2 months or so). a few weeks ago, i seen her friends at the mall, and they approached me and we started talking. I asked them about her and they said that she has had her heart broken alot by several different guys she has dated after me and her broke up. They said that she still talks about me alot. They also told me that she lost her virginity to a guy, and he dumped her the next day. Well, to make a long story short, she started calling me again last week. She has been really friendly to me. She has acted like she is depressed or something. Everytime she calls, i only talk to her for about 20 minutes, then i tell her that i have to go. But for some reason latly i have been thinking about her alot. I think i still like her. Before, it was like i was obsessed with her. Im not in anyway like that now, but i still like her. Im just so confused. Is this normal? She probably just wants a friend to listen to her problems or something, i dunno. Should i maybe start talking to her more? I really don't want to be hurt anymore by her. I don't understand, its like my feelings for her went away for several months, but now they are coming back or something. Can anyone give me there opinion on this? HELP!!!!!!!


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On the other hand, she was young and has found out that these other guys that she wanted to try out didn't really care about her the way you did. So now she wants to go back to you and you have to figure out exactly how you feel about her.


What she did to you may have caused a wound that will never really heal. You may have doubts in your mind that she is crawling back to you because she knows you are a sure thing. You may feel like sloppy seconds after her first choices didn't pan out.


Here's my situation. I dated this girl for 2 years. I was 21 and she was 17 when we started dating. I was her first boyfriend. She broke up with me over a year ago. It was because she said she wanted to see other people. I treated her very well, and she even said that she would probably never find a guy that will treat her as well as i have, but she still has to look. OK it broke my heart, but after several months of healing, i was able to get over her and move on. I have went out with several nice ladies and continue to do so, but nothing serious thus far.


Me and her (my ex girlfriend) after breaking up, decided to still be friends. Ok, that was fine, but we very rarly talked to each other. I never called her, she called me. We talked maybe 2 to 4 times a month. Well, i haven't really talked to her in a good while,(maybe like 2 months or so). a few weeks ago, i seen her friends at the mall, and they approached me and we started talking. I asked them about her and they said that she has had her heart broken alot by several different guys she has dated after me and her broke up. They said that she still talks about me alot. They also told me that she lost her virginity to a guy, and he dumped her the next day. Well, to make a long story short, she started calling me again last week. She has been really friendly to me. She has acted like she is depressed or something. Everytime she calls, i only talk to her for about 20 minutes, then i tell her that i have to go. But for some reason latly i have been thinking about her alot. I think i still like her. Before, it was like i was obsessed with her. Im not in anyway like that now, but i still like her. Im just so confused. Is this normal? She probably just wants a friend to listen to her problems or something, i dunno. Should i maybe start talking to her more? I really don't want to be hurt anymore by her. I don't understand, its like my feelings for her went away for several months, but now they are coming back or something. Can anyone give me there opinion on this? HELP!!!!!!!


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