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update on crying for help


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thank you all for your advise,


I called him and told him that i had contacteda few places for him, once he learned that i had done that he called them too and they seen him the next day, he has a date to go into treatment January 9th, he also has moved back home so that he can consentrate on himself and his recovery. the parents were contacting me because of the resources that i have, not being from Canada and not really knowing even the languae they were more then greatful for the help that i have given them. mom know calls me just to say thank you and not crying for the help. i got someone that speakes the language that they speak to explain what needs to be done and now they have a full understanding, we explained the withdrawl and everything that goes along with it.i explained that he is to have no money from them and not to drink. i told him that i will be there for him in a way that if he needs someone to talk to, i gave him aa friends phone number that i have that went through the same thing, just to have someone that will understand him and what he is going through.


again thank you a million....

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Sounds like you have done a great deed. Now, it's all up to him. Be there for him but don't make his problem you're own. You have a life to live too.


Great going!!!

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Keep staying strong and helping where you can. Also recognize where you cannot help and where it is up to the person. Good job!

Sounds like you have done a great deed. Now, it's all up to him. Be there for him but don't make his problem you're own. You have a life to live too. Great going!!!
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