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Ive dated this guy 4 about a year, however we broke up bcz my parents did not approve.We were serious bout each other. He is the sweetest guy ever. He is still in love with me, and i think i am still in love too. however i know he will ask me out again. i dont know if i should say yes..i have doubts i have been sigle 4 a year and it made me realise that i should rather oncentrate on my studies..i am scared ill lose him forever if i say no..cz he has waited about a year. I also did something really stupid..i made up this other nickname on irc and pretended to b sum1 else and went to chat to him asking about his feelings for me..he thinks this person exists..i feel so cruel for doing that. Pleez help!!

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How do you know he will ask you out again if it's already been a year, I think he would have done it by now, don't you? Why is this coming up NOW? Was the agreement that you wait a year or something?


Listen to yourself, you should be concentrating on your studies, you only get one chance with them honey, blow it now and you'll kick yourself much later. Relationships - you'll have plenty of them down the track.


Yeah it was stoopid to do that to him, did you get any satisfaction? That was about as kind as gravel in peanut butter LOL. Why don't you just ASK him how he feels? Surely you must talk to each other?!

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The only thing that makes any difference is how your parents feel. You broke up because of your parents. Was it because of your age...or because they would cut off your inheritance if you continued to see him?


If you don't mind pissing off your parents or being cut out of the will, which you obviously cared about a year ago when you broke up with him, you should go with your heart.


Decent parents usually do not object to a guy their daughter is seeing unless they feel she is too young, the guy is on drugs, has a jail record, looks like a thug, treats her mean, etc.


Now, on the other hand, when I was younger a surefire way for me to get a girl to stop liking me was to kiss up to her parents and get them to like me a lot. Yep, when the parents all of a sudden really liked me and approved of me, the girl dumped me.


If this is one of those things where you like the guy because your parents don't, I don't think it's real love anyway. But if you are 21 or younger, it is very possible your longing for this guy has more to do with your parent's disapproval than with your fondness for him.


Don't ever, ever, ever tell him how you changed your name to talk to him on IRQ, although that was a pretty clever way of finding out how he feels. Don't feel bad about doing it, but just forget you did it and never discuss it again. Now, you need to do the same thing with your parents and see how they feel about you seeing him again.


Or maybe you don't care what your parents think anymore.

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