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Bf and Drugs.

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Yes lol, i have lots of problems with my boyfriend, drugs being another one of them. Well basically when i met my boyfriend i knew he took drugs, i knew he smoked weed on the first day because i do it myself and we went for a joint together.


Anyway, as i got to know him better i found out that he'd tried like every drug except for smack (heroin). I asked him which drugs he still did and he replied with 'Weed, Wanger (Cocaine) and Pills. I said ok fair enough, because i used to do cocaine myself. Anyway about two weeks later, bearing in mind this was before we started going out, we went to a big drum and bass party.


Me, him, my cousin and my mate (i was the only girl), nearly everyone there was pilled up. I didn't touch anything whilst i was there as i've had a lot of bad experiences with drugs in the past myself. He only took the one pill because he said that he needed to look after me as there was lots of people at the party i didn't know.


That was the only time i'd ever seen him on any form of drug, other than canabis obviously.


He'd told me before that the Thursday before he'd had some wanger (cocaine) because he asked me to get high with him, i refussed his offer.


Anyway when we got together, it was the night of the party he asked me out, he was telling me how much he wanted to stop doin drugs. I said to him, i've done it, but you have to have a reason to give up, something to push yourself towards to know that once you're off drugs there's something to look forward to or whatever.


I told him that i'd be behind him 100% of the way and so far he's done great, hasn't touched any drug since i've been with him, except canabis. I know this because i've been with him everyday, whether it be night or morning, i would've been able to tell. I want him to come off drugs and he has my 100% support as i know how drugs affected me and i'd hate him to be put through that.


The only thing i'm worried about is that he's gone out of town this week, until Saturday, to his dads house, and his dad does a lot of drugs and i'm scared, not for my sake but for his, that he's going to do something again. I want to ring him and just remind him about our little deal (deal was he gave up drugs, i cut down smoking) but i don't want to bother him whilst he's away.


I seriously don't ever wanna see him hurt, and i really don't want to see him go through what i went through 2/3 years ago.


He knows i don't want him to, so i'm hoping he'll remember that. But the only thing is, obviously the drugs are worrying me, but when you take pills (for those of you who haven't ever tried) they make you loved up with everyone, so i just hope he doesn't go to a party and cheat on me just because he's dropped a few pills.


Do you think i should give him a ring or a text and risk annoying him whilst he's away or just leve things as they are for the time being?




Katie-Lou. x

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call him but dont nag, im sure he understands how much you love him and care for him and that your enot meanign any harm. sometimes people need al ittle motivation.

my good freinds brother overdosed on heroin last week and died at the age of 26 leaving behind his wife and 6 year old daughter. this guy went through rehab and everything. i really hope your boyfreind stops before its too late. its good that he has you taking care of him.

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Remember that relapses are common, and if he does fall back, it in no way debases your role as a support system.


Is he in any formal recovery program?

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