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Taking ecxtacy.I'm worried.plz help me..

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I've been reading your posts and you seem to really give great advice so maybe you can help me...


I have been with my bf for 8 months..We have been planning a trip with friends and everyone is going to do "E"..(ex-tacy)


We have all done this before and have had a great time..now I don't want to hear responses about your opinion on people taking this drug because thats not what I'm asking for....


So please listen...


Ok. so my bf has been a little tight on money these past past days and so could really not afford to buy E and so he got a part time job in order to make money for that trip and the E and has been really looking forward to this trip to get away and relax and spend time with me...


Now I was going to do it and I was excited but I got sick a week ago and have been on antibiotics and will have to be untill the friday of the trip. And we plan on taking the E on Sat.


So i told him I might not take it because I finish my anti biotics on Fri...and my body is weak as it is because of the medicine so I might not want to take E because I feel like my body is on overdrive..


Well he flipped out and said I better take them that we've been planning it for months now and that I was dumb and nothing was going to happen to me...Isn't he being a little selfish?


So anyways question for "those" who have done it before or know about this Will i be ok if I finish my prescription on fri..and take E on sat?

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Well, I'd have to say that since extacy, or whatever the street spelling of it is, isn't a perscription drug, you're going to be hard pressed to find anyone to give you accurate advice on whether mixing medications is alright or not.


Since your body is already weak, i doubt it is a good idea. That's just common sense. Try looking it up online

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You might not be asking for opinons on the morality or legality or dangers of taking drugs, but you are going to get them.


Taking an illegal drug, or any drug, for so-called recreational purposes is at the very least not a smart thing to do. Don't lower yourself and do drugs.


On another note, your bf sounds like a real loser if he is berrating you for this. You sure don't make him sound like he cares about you at all. Can't he have a good time with YOU without having to filter your relationship through drugs?


If you are so worried about your health, you wouldn't be taking 'E'. Call a doctor or pharmacy and ask a professional about drug interractions. Look up on the Internet about the dangers of 'E'.


Don't do it and if you new boyfriend isn't okay with that, dump him--he's not worth it.

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Well I'm not a doctor or a pharmacologist so I don't know the answer to E interfering with your antibiotics. I do remember a friend, years ago, posing this very question to his doctor & he was told that the efficacy of the prescribed medicine would not be altered. In other words, taking E would not counteract the benefits of the antibiotic - but as I said, I am not educated in this area myself so best to seek a professional opinion if you really want to know.


However, a night out on E usually means being awake all night & being pretty physical, dancing, etc. ;) If you are already run down from dealing with an infection or illness then this isn't going to help you to get better or to feel better the next day.


Isn't he being a little selfish?



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I'm not positive either way and I dont know of any interactions offhand with antibiotics. I went through a phase with E a few years ago and the only interactions I remember were with antiseizure drugs and and AIDS drug Retrovir or something like that. That being said, if you are sick its prob not the best idea to roll since you will prob get worse. Make sure that you arent taking anything over the counter because I rolled after taking robitussin which has DXM and it made me dehydrated and I got massive cramps in my legs.


But yes your bf is being selfish by acting like that...If I were you i'd make your own decision... :)

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You will be dehydrated and very tired and weak the next day...I suggest you don't do it and that it's not the smartest of moves..


Your bf doesn't have to deal with your body YOU do..and if he cannot respect the fact that you don't want to do it then I suggest you not be with him..


If you already feel drained then don't do it..

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