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'Click' and good bye

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Click. Oh, he/she is cute. Let me socialize electronically with them. Click. Oh, they seem interested in me. Well, goodbye established relationship of months/years. I'm off to try something new I discovered on-line a week ago. BARF!!!! :sick:

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Are these mouse clicks on an online dating site?


As much as I hate online dating (and I have an unbelievable level of hatred for it)


OLD didn't create cheaters. Cheaters existed well before OLD came around.

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Nah. More like social media in general. Too easy these days. Especially for weak people....

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Nah. More like social media in general. Too easy these days. Especially for weak people....


My biggest issue with social media is the ignoring of messages.


It's like talking to someone on the phone, and then one of you hangs up mid convo.


Or you are talking face to face and one of you gets up and walks away mid convo.


I understand you can't text back and forth forever, but a little "alright well I'm gonna ____, talk to you later!" Would be human. I mean, common courtesy.


These technologies are all fairly new so we as a society are still trying to come up with the new etiquette for said technologies.


I think in a few years it will hopefully be better and people will have a better grasp on social media do's and don'ts

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I just think it's BS altogether. People would rather focus on their stupid iPhone than interact with the person/people sitting right next to them.


At the end, my ex would sit on the couch right next to me and be way more concerned with her phone than anything happening in the very room she was sitting in. I hate it!!! It's a sad reflection of the direction of the human race. I refuse to take part in this emerging world of BS. I hope it dies a horrible death.


It's funny. My ex would ignore the crap out of me, but if I tried that with her, I got immediate messages of "??????" or "hello???". Total BS. I hate, hate, hate it!!

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Online dating will get worse in the future. The online sites are already creating fake female profiles to keep the male/female ratios from being completely skewed. I've personally sent emails to fake profiles and felt like a complete moron doing so.


Never in my life will I use online dating again. The OLD use case is mainly for women to find a specific type of guy that meets a specific set of criteria they can't find in their daily life. A giant toy store for females basically. For men? Just a large pile of rejection, games, SILENCE, and bull****. Not worth it. I got better things to do... like post on this site, play video games, WATCH PAINT DRY... anything else is more enjoyable than sending random women a desperate email for attention. NEVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by SuperGeek
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