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Myths, spirituality, religion, philosophy, dogma...

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Originally posted by Papillon

That there are so many different religions, but most expound the same general truths, very succintly illustrates that religion is manmade.

Pretend you're God.


You made humans.


Humans exist in different cultures, with different needs, expectations, and values.


Is it so much of a stretch to say that you'll reveal yourself differently to many different groups of people? I think the commonalities between each religious group only emphasize the fact that, real or imagined, there's a clear dichotomy between what's important and what's ritualistic.

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Dyer you 16 year old genius you. One day when your a famous scientist or whatever you turn out to be, don't forget the love ok. ;)


I completely agree...couldn't of said it any better myself. Not that anyone can when up against Dyer. :p


I think that there are fundamental truths and then there is a lot of individual interpretation...a lot of room to breathe so to speak...the basics of all forms of spirituality are pretty much the same, the purpose of the myths/legends, etc. all linked...it is merely the specifics...the specifics dependent upon the region and time period, that change.

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Originally posted by dyermaker

Pretend you're God.


You made humans.


Humans exist in different cultures, with different needs, expectations, and values.


Is it so much of a stretch to say that you'll reveal yourself differently to many different groups of people? I think the commonalities between each religious group only emphasize the fact that, real or imagined, there's a clear dichotomy between what's important and what's ritualistic.


It's certainly possible that a hypothetical god would really exist and people would simply worship you according to their culture. Of course, William of Occam had something to say about all this.

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Yes, he did.


There are other intellectuals who have reconciled reason with a faith in God, but we've been down that road, and we'll just have to agree to disagree though.

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