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please tell me what effect subutex or herion may have on my ex i need to speak to him

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my ex is addicted to herion i have posted about spliting up well let me give u a bit of background on this man when i first met him he was wonderful then slowly he started to use drugs and he changed i had known him for 7 yrs now i do not know him at all he doesnt seem to care and has completley changed i am 8 months pregnant and cant talk to him his moods are so changable the last time we spoke he was on subutex and seemed to be doing well he was sorry for how he had treated me but was being really positive about the future wanted us to move in together and look after the baby that was a month ago i havent heard from him since i have wrote to him but hes not replied hes just completly cut me off ive heard from friends hes back on gear does anyone know if these are symptoms changing your mind moodiness cutting peaople off i dont know what ive done and am so upset i dont even know if to try and speak to him because of what mood i might catch him in please help

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a little more punctuation (...say, any, for instance) - or are you really hysterical?


Yes. His changeable moods, etc, are symptoms of his obvious drug problem.


Why do you need to talk to him? To remind him about how he supposedly wants you around? I suggest you remain unattached to him. But if you just can't, definately research these drugs and the effects of addiction very thoroughly so that you know what to expect from his behavior and how to deal with it. There's plenty of information available on the internet if you perform a few searches on drug addiction. Basically, he's probably a total mess and you shouldn't trust right now. That's why you broke up with him, right? Seriously, if he hasn't followed-up on his previous loving intentions, why should you grant him access to your child and move in yourself? Times are rough for you now, and you're probably especially lonely, but there's a difference between good company and bad company. You don't need the added stress in your life while making these huge adjustments, so tread carefully. If you really need child support, I urge you to talk to a lawyer about your options.

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thanks for your advice your probably right about trying not to speak to him i just wanted to try and sort things out before the baby arrives. Have you known someone who was an addict or have you just reserched drugs?

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Sadly, if he's on herion, there's a good chance he'll never recover. That drug is nothing short of completely evil. It never lets go.

You can try to sort things out if you wish, but if he's on herion right now, there's very little chance that he cares. Most likely, the only thing on his mind is his next fix. It's an unfortunate thing, but that's the way that drug works. Even if they truly care for you deep down, they won't do anything about it because the drug becomes their obsession.

As much as I hate to tell anyone to give up, I'd suggest for the time being you concentrate on you and your baby. Being around an addict would be extremely detrimental to him/her. Concentrate on making sure that you can provide a good and stable environment for the baby. Short of letting him know that you're there for him or you love him, there's little you can do to the cure the addict. He's got to want it for himself and on his own.

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It isn't a good idea to be around anyone who is on drugs...they can be unpredictable and dangerous...and so can the people that they eventually have to hang out with to get the drug, ect. I would make really sure that he is finally off of the drug and getting constant help before I would even think about getting near him. He has to show that he's not going to go back to it. That could take a very long time just to make sure.


Here is a page I found about heroin...



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I feel your pain.......


I am currently in a relationship with a guy who has been taking morphine and is now suffering withdrawal.


I know you love him as I also love my boyfriend. It's real hard letting go. The drugs are powerful and we can't really compete with them we don't stand a chance. My boyfriend is in withdrawal now but if he had some he would be taking it right now. It is in control.


The drugs numb them from there emotions which keeps them from feeling even love for us. I'm real sorry that you are having to deal with this while expecting a baby. I just hope for you that you have a very supportive family to help you.


Just remember we can't change them. We can only change ourselves.


As long as there is drugs in the relationship you will never be happy.



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hi quicksilver


thanks for your reply it is really hard i havent had any contact with him for 7 weeks then yesterday i bump into him and hes like whats up with u well im pregnant and youve ignored me for 7 wks he doesnt seem to realise this so he says he wants to talk and sort things out thought this was what i wanted but woke this morning and thought do i really want this again more empty promises because the state of his mind thats all he can give ive tried to help so many times dont know if i can do it again x

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