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Kids are growing up too fast these days.


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Kids are growing up too fast these days.


Some kids at age 10 start to smoke and drink. :(


How sad :(:( I saw a boy smoking one time. But i think kids are growing up fast..dont you think so.

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Yeah and then they stay young too long too. I heard on the radio yesterday that they're not really considering the new generations mature until around age 30. WTF?! We were expected to adhere to much higher standards and I'm only 28 now. I just want to sometimes say, geeze people, you're 23 already, act like an adult because YOU ARE ONE.

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I am a product of this....... I am in my mid twenties now but when I was a kid I smoked my 1st cig at 11 was drinking alchol by 14 and had sex at 15. back then it just seemed like everyone was doing it.


Kids model what their parents do. ( smoking, drinking, cursing) or they try to fit in anywhere and the bad crowd accepts everyone.


I ranaway from home at 15 and was a great example of a juvinile Deliquient. Last year I volenteered at a RunAway shelter and a youth Drug Abuse program and tried to mentor children and show them how sucessful I am becoming even though I made bad choices and I tried to let them know I cared and even took a 17 year old girl in and gave her an allowance, took her to church, got her a job and everything. She skrewed me in the long run. It's sad to say but once a child has "Grew up" in their eyes rarley is there chance of going back to the innocent child we want them to be. :( They often are left to learn the hard way.)

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i was having sex at 15, thinking that that is what i had to do to be cool and to make the boys like me. i have HUGE emotional/sexual issues because of my permiscuity when I was younger, and it's to the point now where my past is almost completely blocked out of my memory, which is fine by me...it was a result intense unintentional denial however. Now I just want to move on and be able to have a healthy normal sex life. I think I have finally arrived at that but it wasn't easy...children don't get taught enough about self respect in my opinion.

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Jezz we have alot in common. I am now finding that because of my being premiscious so young I never used sex for love..... just sex as sex no that I am older I have a hard time "Making love."

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weren't we supposed to do that with Frances anyway?! Yes I do believe we had some business we were going to attend to. Speaking of business...I wanna go home and do a little of that dammit. anyway...yes it was very hard for me to get to the point where I now am with my boyfreind. i actually know what it feels like to make love, to be fully CONNECTED to someone like its supposed to be. It just makes all the other times seem that much more....awful!

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Does smoking, drinking, and having sex make you an adult?!?


I would think that making stupid, uninformed choices is what children do, and I don't know why you're surprised by it.


When you see a kid refuse a cigarette because he's worried about compromising his athletic performance, or avoiding sex to put himself or herself in a better position for the future--THAT's when you can say kids are growing up too fast.

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When you see a kid refuse a cigarette because he's worried about compromising his athletic performance, or avoiding sex to put himself or herself in a better position for the future--THAT's when you can say kids are growing up too fast.


I'd rather see that.

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