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Do I Tell Her Husband is Having an Affair


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I do photography on the side. Other than weddings and parties where people know they will be photographed, I always ask permission before taking a picture of someone. To read that you have been photographing, video taping someone without their knowledge makes my skin crawl. Hope you know this person well enough to know he is non violent, non vindictive. Is the safety of you, yours and your peace at home worth risking?


Society is obviously moving to a place where no one can expect privacy anywhere. You are adding to the problem, privacy shrinks again with your actions. Cause and effect.... you and yours will also have less privacy.


Grower had a plant in his den. The snitch tells the cops. Grower goes to jail for a short time and pays a fat fine but finds out who ratted him out. Snitch,after a season of random unfortunate events chooses to leave the neighborhood. ...I was glad to see the guy go. He and his wife were busy-bodies... more into other peoples lives than living their own.

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Vids and picture and the op "snuck" over to the house and hid in the shadows and listened for hours.


Am I the only one who finds this story outlandish?


now that you mention it and looking back over the sentence structures and spacing in sparkles posts, yes I think I may have been had by a troll here. Young troll.


If sparkle is for real... she has guts tangling with an ex cop. He would know how to retaliate... if he isn't a fictional character that is.

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