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Wife had been cheating for last 10 years


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I wonder if her mother's women paramours reminded her mother of her dead twin sister. Stranger things have happened. If her mother was mourning her dead sister and brother with these affairs then it might help your daughter realize that this is what her mother modeled and what she's copying is not a way of life but an ineffective coping strategy for grief.


I hope your daughter finds her way out and doesn't end up like her mom.


Congrats to you.

Edited by loveboid
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Keep the discussions open and frank with her. Her messing around so much could lead to an STD as well.



Make her aware of that!



Plus make her aware that you expect her to be role model for her siblings and that the examples she has shown are disappointing.



Then end it with the "I am your Dad, I always love you but respect needsto be mutual"



Good Luck

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It's really hard to know what to do, she has very successfully separated her education and her social life which I do applaud her for. My concern is that an unwanted broken condom could lead to life changing ramifications but she just doesn't want to see it. Even the absence of that if she is not discrete and these stories get out it could affect her future career. It doesn't matter that she is incredibly smart if she has a reputation it will affect her.


But she is a young woman finding her way after some enormous stress and I am her father, I just don't get listened to. All I can do is continue to love and support her and pick up the pieces if I ever have to (but really hoping that it never comes to that).


Can't you help her get a more permanent contraceptive such as an IUD or the equivalent. It seems to be to be the utmost foolishment to trust one's future to the condom gods.

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Your life is wonderful except your daughter is promiscuous and downspiraling.....like I said yesterday, your story is unbelievable.

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