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another pregnancy question


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What I would like to know is this. I know a woman can have regular periods throughout pregnancy (and especially within the first three months). But can she also experience the signs of O'ing as well even if she is pregnant?? ie: lots of EWCM during the time she should O.

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EWCM? Oing? Are you asking if a pregnant woman can orgasm, or am I missing something? Yes, pregnant women most certain can orgasm, right up until going into labor :). In fact, in very rare cases, the elevated levels of oxytocin emitted during labor can cause some women to orgasm during. Though that was definitely not my experience.


Now, if you're asking about ovulation -- pregnant women don't ovulate. So, there's no sense of that ovarian pain, fallopian swelling, or early period ache. But implantation can feel like a pinch, cause bleeding, and leave a swelling, achy feeling. Lots of strange feelings down there for some women during their first trimester. I suspected I was pregnant not because of a missed period but because I had a strangely "full" feeling down below.


-- uriel

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EWCM= egg white cervical mucous, produced at the time of O'ing, or ovulating.


As Uriel said you will not ovulate during pregnancy. Cervical mucuous will increase due to the increased estrogen levels, but will probably not be EWCM.


This link tells more: http://www.babycenter.com/refcap/pregnancy/prenatalhealth/270.html

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Ooo -- interesting. EWCM: not a term I'd heard before. One of the weirdest things during pregnancy is that all of your odors change. There's much less body odor in general. So many odd changes.


-- uriel

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