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Change of Name

Rachel the 2nd (formerly Rachel)

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Rachel the 2nd (formerly Rachel)

I have changed my name as I've noted another Rachel.


Since I am certain the other Rachel has been here longer than myself I have now renamed myself "Rachel the 2nd".


That's all!

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You have made a very wise move, although I don't think it's real important what you call yourself here. People are more interested in the body of the posts.


In your particular case, it was wise to differentiate from the recent Rachel, whose postings got rather militant. But, to be honest, when Rachel's postings became far more civil I was so absolutely delighted...it was sort of a let down that they were coming from a different Rachel. No offense intended, I am glad you are here and hope you will make yourself at home and stop by often.


I chose to use the name Tony here, although my real name is Bill Clinton. I guess you can understand why I had to change is. Also, Tony spelled backwards is: Why not?

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