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My cousin is addicted to pills.

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My cousin has recently had Two seizures almost back to back. All of the tests that the hospital performed had come back clear. I on the other hand know why it happened. He has constantly had bad headaches for years and he takes probably 3 or 4 different pills for them. He also took Zanax and Ambien to get high and halucenate all the time. His body was basically living off pills and it got too much of them-- he rarely ate. No one wants to hear that he has a pill addiction however we(most of family) want to sit his mother down and tell her about the addiction. The sad thing is is that she will get mad because she doesnt want to hear it. It is a serious situation and i dont know how to help it by verbal communication.

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Take courage. You'll be doing the right thing by telling his mother. Before you do, think through all the evidence you have for his addictive behavior. When she resists learning about this, calmly give her the facts. Urge her, in a spirit of concern, to do what she can to get your cousin help. The current tests may be clear, but serious drug use can cause longterm damage to the nervous (and other) systems.


In the end, though, only he can save himself. He's got to want to get off the stuff. Is there any chance these seizures might have scared him enough to think about doing the hard work it takes to go straight? Is there anyone you know who has a chance of getting him to talk to his mother about this and ask for help?


-- uriel

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My other cousin(his brother) and I are waiting until he recovers more and then we are going to sit the necessary people down and tell them what has been going on. Sadly it will be painful because no one wants to hear it. I'm not sure how he will react to the family's concern--hopefully he will to what it takes to use only required medicines. Thanks for your help man

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