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I called...him

come and gone

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come and gone

Hi there. If you remember me, I was having a problem with waiting for this guy to call me. I checked my email and I saw he had emailed me to tell me had been sick. I had decided to wait for him to call anyway but the other night I was very upset. I got in a fight with a friend of mine and I just thought, "screw it, I'm just gonna call him." The phone began to ring and I thought, "oh, am I doing the right thing here?" But no sooner had I realized it, he was saying hello.


So, we ended up talking for a while, he seemed in good spirits. He asked me what I was doing this weekend and all that. I was at first dissapointed for having called him but then I was happy I had because we're gonna go out this weekend.


I realize that calling him when I was feeling vulnerable was not the right thing to do but hey, it's just a phone call. I think I'm gonna have a talk with him and see how he feels about me. Wish me luck.

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You might want to wait a bit to find out how he feels about you. If you bring it up too soon, he may feel you want to rush the relationship.

Hi there. If you remember me, I was having a problem with waiting for this guy to call me. I checked my email and I saw he had emailed me to tell me had been sick. I had decided to wait for him to call anyway but the other night I was very upset. I got in a fight with a friend of mine and I just thought, "screw it, I'm just gonna call him." The phone began to ring and I thought, "oh, am I doing the right thing here?" But no sooner had I realized it, he was saying hello. So, we ended up talking for a while, he seemed in good spirits. He asked me what I was doing this weekend and all that. I was at first dissapointed for having called him but then I was happy I had because we're gonna go out this weekend. I realize that calling him when I was feeling vulnerable was not the right thing to do but hey, it's just a phone call. I think I'm gonna have a talk with him and see how he feels about me. Wish me luck.
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