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What's with the state of women these days...

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I totally understand what you are saying. I do think it has got worse in the last 10/15 years - therefore it tends to be girls who grew up then who are now early 20's. I'm 38 and work with quite a few younger women who moan and complain about not being 'respected' by men in one breath, but then sleep around, get rolling drunk and swear more than most men I know!

I'm far from prudish, but I do think there are ways to behave, dress and hold yourself as a women. I learn't these things, without realising at the time, from watching my mother and grandmothers - all strong women.


I do feel sorry for younger women now (crikey, I now sound like I'm 88!!!). They have been fed all this stuff by the media that they somehow need to be the SAME as men to be equal to them. This is NOT what feminism is about .


Women and men are different and should enjoy those differences. I know I will get slated for this but it seems to me that (some) men have gone too far to become the ultra sensitive male and (some) women are trying too hard to be ladettes. The result is a sort of wishy washy middle ground where nobody knows what they are anymore.


I have a friend who's just like that.

She's always complaining about us men not respecting her.

And as soon as she gets drunk she sleeps with every man in sight, usually 2 to 3 men on the same night o_O

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the type of women the op decribes do exist, my gf is one of them.


she reads, she doesn't dress like a tart, she is pretty, cute, polite, watches football (soccer) enjoys the nicer things in life, enjoys walking, enjoys having a beer with our friends, enjoys travelling, works hard, not into facebook, doesnt mind me playing golf, loves my family, understands that i dont love her family.


she is not perfect, but she is 1 in a million.


she is bossy sometimes and doesnt understand why i work so much, and she cant cook.


we have our ups and downs like everyone, some bad arguements, but thats life.


i met her in the bar she works, not on facebook.


she is a good girl, be patient. you will find yours.



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