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I smoked pot a couple times over the past week but the last time i did was July 12. On July 30th I have to get a physical where they will probably ask me to pee in a cup. will they be able to see that I have been smoking pot in any way during my physical or the examination of my urine?

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i don't know the answer to your question, maybe someone else will, but i suggest calling the clinic performing the physical and asking anonomously.

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I think weed can stay in your system for up to 25-27 days depending on how often and how much you smoked it.

My sister's drug test came up clean after about 3 weeks of not smoking pot, but she doesn't really do it very often.


Why are you getting the physical? It depends if they are testing for it or not. At my high school if you wanted to play sports they specifically tested you for it at your physical.

They sell drug tests at pharmacies so you can test yourself, but the level of THC they are testing for the at home-kit can be different from the clinic so theres no guarantee.

I hope you pass your drug test.


Down with Dope, Up with hope! :bunny:

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Marijuana stays in your system an average of 30 days, I believe.


You can find some detox drinks (teas) at head shops in your area, or online if you're worried about it. A few of my friends have used them and they've been effective.


Hope you pass.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Also, drink plenty of water and dont let it be one of the first 2 times you go that day. Theyre the dirtiest since theyve been filtering all night. I agree with DA and go to some head shops and get some detox drinks, they worked for my brother. Just make sure to follow the directions exactly.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Some say that water, teas, some pills can clear you out faster, or mask the pot in your system. The tests that are ran can detect everything in your body. They have to by law tell you that they are testing for illegal substances in your urine or blood, but everything shows, and if it looks like your guilty or trying to cover something up, you will hear about it. If you have to take a piss test, maybe you shouldn't be using at all?!?!?! Good luck!

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I posted about this same thing. I had smoked on a sunday and my drug test was on a Tuesday LMAO


Yeah I laugh now but it wasn't funny at the time.


I sprinted to my local GNC store and Bought this thing called OXI-clean wasted 60.00 dollars.


It was a drink and four pills. I downed the drink, popped the pills, drank a massive amount of water, peed about five times, and took the test.



I passed! :) I don't know if you have a GNC store where you live but if not theres stuff you can order online. Detox is really good as well.


Good luck.

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Probation, health depts., and rehabs will fail you if your urine is too clean (i.e. using teas, niacin, or dipping the cup in water) They also test for temperature and watch you pee to prevent you from bringing someone else's urine (BTW - ew gross to anyone who has done this :sick: - if you are willing to manhandle someone else's urine in order to pass a test- YOU NEED HELP!)


If you pee too clean it's considered a positive- just like if you sit there for 8 hrs chugging water and swear you still can't pee ;)

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Down with Dope, Up with hope!


I like weed, and I do have hope. Silly. :)


Anyway, totally just drink alot of water. I nearly went into the navy, and my recruiter gave me these little packets of this jello like substance that we put in water, and drank.


Its supposed to take all of the THC molecules out of your system.



But, like DA said, green tea will help flush it out.

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If anything chug some Vinegar.


It don't taste good though so I suggest salt and vinegar chips. I heard the Vinegar messes up the reading.


Also I heard if you drop just one drop of bleach into the pee pee cup that messes it up as well.



I dont know about these...Just things I heard.

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Originally posted by EtErNaLlYCoNfUsEd

If anything chug some Vinegar.



NO NO NO :sick::sick: I also heard that in highschool and I did it. I puked for days and it doesn't work you can't stomach it enough to drink enought ot make it effective.


Grab a gallon or two of water drink it till you piss water follow with Mountian dew or something to bring back the color.

It works I've done it many times

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The purpose of drug testing is to see if you've done drugs. If you say you haven't, you're lying. I don't know if you're comfortable lying to your employer, but I don't see how it's any different than making up job experience.


Can't drug tests see when you're trying to circumvent them?


I know if you put a drop of bleach in there, they'll know it's been bleached.

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They can detect some common adulterant like Golden Seal but some they dont.


I think the 'Up with hope! Down with dope' was a reference to Half Baked...

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