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! Sister desire lust

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The Tallest One

Also don't believe if this thread is for real or not. But if it is, joejoe, you need professional help, so does your sister. The fact that the two of you would even consider sleeping together shows you two have issues and need help. Yes incest is illegal, will destroy family, people outside the family will find out and try living with that stigma. If she didn't get pregnant and kept the child, what a sad and cruel life for the baby!


Stop thinking with the wrong head, and get help for the one on your shoulders!

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Thanks guys for sharing your thoughts on this! I know myself that I will never actually have sex with my sister as the consequences just are not worth it. All I'm trying to understand is why such an intense sexual attraction would occur with a sibling.


The fantasy is always very different from reality !

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Forever Silent

I watched an anime recently, I think you remained me of a character from the show. He had a 'sister complex'. This is not a offical term, just something used to desrcibe some brother/sister relationships. I will only offer one warning to you and that is DO NOT BE INTOXICATED IN THE PRESENCE OF YOUR SISTER. By admitting you have a infactuation with your sister but refusing to acknowledge its exitsence in her presence, you are supressing your desires. If you would like to continue on this route then please never use any drugs that suppress the mind inhibiting mechanisms. I AM NOT KIDDING!

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