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'Best Friends' & Deception

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I found out a week ago that my boyfriend of 4 years cheated on me twice with my best friend 8 months ago. Mind you, this "best friend" is also my ex. We were together for a few months about 4 years ago, and have been very close until recently. I had absolutely NO suspicions about the two of them, and I would still be clueless had this 'friend' not called me and told me everything.


The first time this happened was last September. I had gone to work one night, and my 'friend' started messaging my bf on Facebook. They both agreed that my bf would go over to his house to have sex. He took the bottle of lube that WE used, stopped at a gas station to get condoms, and then went to his house and had sex.


The second time, last November (2 months after the first time), all 3 of us had been hanging out at our apartment one evening, and I lost track of the time. At the time I was working graveyard shift. (11p-7a) I asked my bf if he would mind taking my 'friend' home since I wouldn't have time before I had to be at work. He agreed. After I left, they proceeded to have sex in MY apartment, in MY bed.


The most f*cked up part is that this happened 8 months ago, and up until the 'friend' called me a week ago, we had all been hanging out. The 'friend' was regularly over at my apartment with my bf, all the time I was completely oblivious to everything. I feel like a fool. I talked to him about my relationship, sex life, etc, with them BOTH knowing what they had done.


I feel like I'm going absolutely insane. I feel angry, stupid, crushed, betrayed, jealous, sad, & depressed. I'm perfectly fine one second, and crying the next. I don't know what to do with myself.


My bf is my rock..my shoulder..the only one I can go to when I need someone. We've been through SO much, and as much as it KILLS me, I want to be with him.


I can't help but question myself about what could be wrong with ME to make him do this to me. TWICE!


How do I even begin to rebuild the trust in our relationship?

Edited by coryp
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How do I even begin to rebuild the trust in our relationship?


You're not going to like what I have to say, but... Let it be broken. I know it's easier said than done, but the relationship will never again be what it was. He cheated on you twice... that you know of. He might have done it more often, perhaps with other people, but just never admitted it. And believe me, he will do it again sooner or later. Also, he's absolutely not remorseful for it. How can you forgive someone who does not ask for forgiveness?


And this best friend...? Well, if that's how he treats his friends, you really don't need any enemies. The bro code should go above all else. He's completely unable to uphold it. He's definately not your friend. He's more of an old acquintance which just happens to hang out a lot with you if you ask me.


Frankly, you're better off alone than with any of these two disgusting individuals. Chose for yourself.

Edited by Reddice
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Trust will NEVER be re-built. And it's not your job to do so anyway, it would be your boyfriends.


Why do you forgive your bf but not your friend? Your boyfriend betrayed you the worst of all.


let this loser go. Fking someone else in your bed? Ultimate disrespect. You deserve better, please know that.

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