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(Correction) Women like the stereotypical black man?

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Caius Ballad

From Indian's topic I got the idea of going deep into this subject. From what I gather most women only like the stereotype of black men. Most ladies ignore the smart, average height, thin black men who don't act thug. If a black man said he enjoys Anime or is studying computers I know for fact he would be ranked lower than a white computer geeky guy.


I think this is why some black men act so fake. American society dictates black male attractiveness comes for being a tall hip guy or aggressive muscular thug. If you are a black man going a against the norm, American society and their women will be against YOU.


Being a short guy sucks, but being a short black nonstereotypical guy is hell if you're in America.

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From Indian's topic I got the idea of going deep into this subject. From what I gather most women only like the stereotype of black men. Most ladies ignore the smart, average height, thin black men who don't act thug. If a black man said he enjoys Anime or is studying computers I know for fact he would be ranked lower than a white computer geeky guy.




I know for a fact, you're wrong.


One of my friends, who is a black guy that is 5'8"ish, skinny jeans wearing, hipster glassess anime freak t-shirt nerd and has white girls and all other races of girls falling all over him. Stop making excuses, it's just you they don't like.

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Stop overthinking this crap. It isn't going to help one bit.


Of course it will help! It will help Caius Ballad despise women even more.


There's nothing like setting a goal for yourself and finding ways to achieve it. Congrats CB!

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Being a short guy sucks, but being a short black nonstereotypical guy is hell if you're in America.


Move to the Amazon basin, you'll be tall there.


I'm amazed you're actually still around...."Is that a stuck record i hear repeating?" :p

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In my experience as a non stereotypical brother...ie...I play bass and guitar, skateboarded in high school, love soccer, listen to a wide range of music, have two college degrees, etc. In my experience with these traits, most women prefer that over the some wannabe hood brother.


The only girls who prefer thugged out dudes (of any race) are low class hood rats...ie...low quality women most decent guys dont even want.


If I was a stereotypical black dude, then Id have a crap dating life, especially with the neighborhoods Ive always live in. And in my experience, most of the brothers who date outside their race are guys who arent stereotypes. Again I say, the only women I see with the thugged out dudes are their female counterparts. I gave that kind of woman a shot before and it was just super annoying. I wont do that again

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I know for a fact, you're wrong.


One of my friends, who is a black guy that is 5'8"ish, skinny jeans wearing, hipster glassess anime freak t-shirt nerd and has white girls and all other races of girls falling all over him. Stop making excuses, it's just you they don't like.



White girls love a brother who seems different. Back when i was in high school it was super rare for non white kids to like rock music and to skateboard and dress the way my friends and I did. So whenever a black, or asian, or whoever joined the crew...girls were totally digging us. Same thing in college.


A lot of women enjoy other races of guys, but its a bonus when you connect with them culturally. So if shes a hipster girl, shell love if your a hipster guy. If your a thuggish dude...then youll have to get a hood type girl. Like I said before, in my experience OP, most chicks dont want a thug guy unless they are hood type chicks themselves. And most white chicks arent hood girls....their suburbanite chicks or hipster girls or whatever else...and they do not like thug guys one bit...no matter what his race is.

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It helps us feel better.


Exactly my point! Glad you and CB got your instant gratification. Come back tomorrow for your next fix Princie Boy.

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Exactly my point! Glad you and CB got your instant gratification. Come back tomorrow for your next fix Princie Boy.

Is sarcasm a lost art or just understanding it?

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It helps us feel better.


If "pathetic" makes you feel better, don't let us stop you....though personally, I would advise that there are better ways of improving your mind-set....

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It helps us feel better.


Yeah but you won't feel better for long.

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If "pathetic" makes you feel better, don't let us stop you....though personally, I would advise that there are better ways of improving your mind-set....

How many self-help authors have made a mint off of your improvement ma'am?

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How many self-help authors have made a mint off of your improvement ma'am?


Let me think...


i'd say probably between 6 and ten....




(of course, you can read every "self help" book on the planet, but if you don't actually put the advice to good use, you might as well use them to prop up a wonky table....)

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How many self-help authors have made a mint off of your improvement ma'am?


Let me think...


I'd say probably between 6 and ten....




(of course, you can read every "self help" book on the planet, but if you don't actually put the advice to good use, you might as well use them to prop up a wonky table....)

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I'm a black computer programmer, and it's hardest for me to attract black women. Asian, white, and latin girls are all over me.

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From Indian's topic I got the idea of going deep into this subject. From what I gather most women only like the stereotype of black men. Most ladies ignore the smart, average height, thin black men who don't act thug. If a black man said he enjoys Anime or is studying computers I know for fact he would be ranked lower than a white computer geeky guy.


I think this is why some black men act so fake. American society dictates black male attractiveness comes for being a tall hip guy or aggressive muscular thug. If you are a black man going a against the norm, American society and their women will be against YOU.


Being a short guy sucks, but being a short black nonstereotypical guy is hell if you're in America.


I look forward to next weeks episode of how you think all women are evil.

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I'm a black computer programmer, and it's hardest for me to attract black women. Asian, white, and latin girls are all over me.

Pretend to be black. They can't call it blackface when you are already black.

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I'm sure there are plenty of women who have a crush on Obama.

They are crushing more on the job than the man just like they did with Clinton.

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Can I play devil's advocate at injest's reply?


Eh, nevermind not even worth it.

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I look forward to next weeks episode of how you think all women are evil.

Only the women one would want to date are evil.

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