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Herbal anti-depressant?

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So she gave me Valdoxan, I asked for Cipralex, but she told me that I should try something lighter. Also this is quite new drug. Do you have some experience with this one??

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so after two weeks of Valdoxan I don't feel anything. I wake up with headache and stomachache. I have already informed my doctor. She told me to hold on. I am not sure whether to continue. :(

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Check at a health food store--I'm sure they would have some recommendations. You could also read up on natural remedies for depression. Eating certain foods could have an effect on your mood, so you may want to do some research on that. Talking to a counselor may also help with depression without having to resort to prescription drugs. Edited to add: I didn't read the whole thread, so I see now that you are taking medication for your depression. You may want to talk to your doctor about working on your depression without the use of prescription drugs and get her reaction to that. I think drugs for depression can have difficult side effects and should only be used if other methods have not been successful. But don't stop taking it without getting approval from your doctor and an alternative plan worked out on treating your depression.

Edited by KathyM
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Feelin Frisky
Check at a health food store--I'm sure they would have some recommendations. You could also read up on natural remedies for depression. Eating certain foods could have an effect on your mood, so you may want to do some research on that. Talking to a counselor may also help with depression without having to resort to prescription drugs.



"Resorting" to prescription drugs is an infinitely smarter idea that messing around for months in vitamin shops trying one concoction of herbs after another. I can't emphasize enough how truly dangerous taking unregulated supplements and herbs can be. I caused a terrible problem in my own brain chemistry which took a long time to even figure own much less fix and doctors were stumped because they have no expertise on these products. The one I took said it was "nature's natural relaxant". It is called GABA (which is short for gaba aminobutyric acid). This is an important component of one's brain chemistry that aids the passage of nutrients and waste products between cells and the blood. The way taking extra GABA worked however was that it make me calm at first but the over-abundance of it in my chemistry shut down my natural production of it. It then got so that if I didn't take GABA, I had classical general anxiety disorder because the waste product of chlorine was being trapped in my brain chemistry causing me to feel alarmed. I could not sleep and was eventually put on XANAX. I became heavily dependent on XANAX and had all the withdrawals associated with it and had to go into re-hab to detox from it.


The damage the GABA supplement did continued and I had to take some every few hours not to feel like I was going to climb the wall. It took many months of a combination of two drugs to get me back to what I was before I messed around with trying to medicate myself over the counter. That was a painful and dangerous lesson that robbed me of a lot of time and money. Prescription medications have testing and long waits for FDA approval. They are the only "smart" choice if one is going to take anything and they will save time by helping the doctor find out which neurotransmitters are out of balance in your particular brain sooner.

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"Resorting" to prescription drugs is an infinitely smarter idea that messing around for months in vitamin shops trying one concoction of herbs after another. I can't emphasize enough how truly dangerous taking unregulated supplements and herbs can be. I caused a terrible problem in my own brain chemistry which took a long time to even figure own much less fix and doctors were stumped because they have no expertise on these products. The one I took said it was "nature's natural relaxant". It is called GABA (which is short for gaba aminobutyric acid). This is an important component of one's brain chemistry that aids the passage of nutrients and waste products between cells and the blood. The way taking extra GABA worked however was that it make me calm at first but the over-abundance of it in my chemistry shut down my natural production of it. It then got so that if I didn't take GABA, I had classical general anxiety disorder because the waste product of chlorine was being trapped in my brain chemistry causing me to feel alarmed. I could not sleep and was eventually put on XANAX. I became heavily dependent on XANAX and had all the withdrawals associated with it and had to go into re-hab to detox from it.


The damage the GABA supplement did continued and I had to take some every few hours not to feel like I was going to climb the wall. It took many months of a combination of two drugs to get me back to what I was before I messed around with trying to medicate myself over the counter. That was a painful and dangerous lesson that robbed me of a lot of time and money. Prescription medications have testing and long waits for FDA approval. They are the only "smart" choice if one is going to take anything and they will save time by helping the doctor find out which neurotransmitters are out of balance in your particular brain sooner.

I think prescription drugs are over-prescribed by physicians and psychiatrists, and should be done only as a last resort. Most, if not all, also have side effects that can be permanent, even when stopping the medication. It's always a good idea to be your own advocate and be well informed, and question the doctor/psychiatrist about what the alternatives are, and get a good, informed decision after research and consultation with the doctor. A lot of drugs are also addictive and can have long term negative health consequences. While I do believe prescription drugs can do a lot of good for some people, there may be possible alternative treatments that don't require drugs. Depression can, in many cases, be treated through therapy alone without medication. There are some herbal remedies that can have value and be an acceptable alternative--but you do have to do some research, talk to a lot of knowledgeable people about it, and consult with a psychiatrist before taking anything or changing any treatment or medication, and don't stop taking what he prescribes until the doctor gives approval to do so.

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hmmm I bought myself chlorella and barley so I am going to wait for two months to see some effects :D.

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Have you heard of Rhodiola? Look it up.


I checked :). looks interesting, I will try it after chlorella and barley if it doesn't work.

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Coffee, just be careful with taking any herbal supplements. Has your doctor checked your Vitamin D level, or your thyroid? Those are also possible causes for fatigue and exhaustion, and so is other vitamin deficiency like Vitamin B6 or B12 deficiency.


Also, when you take an herbal supplement with an antidepressant there is the risk of an interaction, so you may want to tell your doctor about the the two herbal supplements you'll be taking. Herbal supplements are not regulated by the FDA (food and drug administration, if you live in the U.S.) either, so there could be side effects with those herbal supplements.


I have to agree with the poster KathyM about antidepressants being a last resort. There is no scientific proof that they work (there is a placebo effect where people believe the pill works, so in their mind it does), and no blood test to show that it works. What antidepressants are (in my opinion) are toxic chemicals that give people un-necessary side effects that can cause permanent brain damage to other serious side effects like gastrointestinal bleeding (which happened to me over a decade ago), to electric shocks, heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, lung disease, brain cancer, insomnia, ulcers, paralysis, suicidal thoughts, severe psychosis, the list goes on. The dark side of antidepressants and Why Antidepressants Cause Brain Damage, Breast Cancer, and Early Mortality | Health Freedom News and http://www.startribune.com/local/yourvoices/161408025.html


If you want to try to improve your health without the use of antidepressants or herbal supplements you could start by getting a routine physical done, some blood work done and then make an appointment with a nutritionist. Exercise also will help boost your mood naturally.

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Coffee, I'm not sure if you bother to talk with the pharmacist or doctor about possible side effects, but I just looked up the side effects for Valdoxan that you said your doctor prescribed, and thought you should see them for yourself: Side effects of Valdoxan - Depression - NHS Choices


You may want to make an appointment with a homeopath doctor since you are taking two herbal supplements, if your regular doctor has no knowledge of the supplements themselves.

Edited by writergal
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Coffee, I'm not sure if you bother to talk with the pharmacist or doctor about possible side effects, but I just looked up the side effects for Valdoxan that you said your doctor prescribed, and thought you should see them for yourself: Side effects of Valdoxan - Depression - NHS Choices


You may want to make an appointment with a homeopath doctor since you are taking two herbal supplements, if your regular doctor has no knowledge of the supplements themselves.



thank you, I have already checked....and hm I had almost all those side effects including: back pain


difficulty sleeping

feeling anxious

feeling dizzy


increased sweating






feeling agitated

feeling irritable

feeling restless



strange dreams

skin rash or rashes


weird, because I decided I won't check side effects since I take it.

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thank you, I have already checked....and hm I had almost all those side effects including: back pain


difficulty sleeping

feeling anxious

feeling dizzy


increased sweating






feeling agitated

feeling irritable

feeling restless



strange dreams

skin rash or rashes


weird, because I decided I won't check side effects since I take it.


So do you feel any better on this med? That's surprising that you had all of those side effects. Did you tell your doctor this?

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So do you feel any better on this med? That's surprising that you had all of those side effects. Did you tell your doctor this?


I don't feel better at all, it seems to me that I feel nothing - psychically. I did wrote her. She told me to hold on for next two weeks. But I didn't take it today and I feel physically much better. Not sleepy, irritated etc....

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I checked :). looks interesting, I will try it after chlorella and barley if it doesn't work.



yes, I'd like to try it as well. Problem with Herbal Supps is that there are no long-term studies on them, so long-term side effects are unknown. It's suggested that people take breaks from Rhodiola after 4 weeks in case dependency might result. I'm considering using it on a random basis, as I do with Coffee (I have it rarely and randomly).


However, when you just aren't feeling up to par, no drugs will help and are simply masking the real problems (IMO). More often than not, lack of energy or general well being is due to a hormonal imbalance (check out behavioral endocrinology).

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yes, I'd like to try it as well. Problem with Herbal Supps is that there are no long-term studies on them, so long-term side effects are unknown. It's suggested that people take breaks from Rhodiola after 4 weeks in case dependency might result. I'm considering using it on a random basis, as I do with Coffee (I have it rarely and randomly).


However, when you just aren't feeling up to par, no drugs will help and are simply masking the real problems (IMO). More often than not, lack of energy or general well being is due to a hormonal imbalance (check out behavioral endocrinology).


What is behavioral endocrinology? Is that something an endocrinologist practices or is that more holistic medicine?

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Does anyone take them? Does it work?

I am thinking about taking something, I am not that sad or really depressed, but seriously disturbed and unmotivated.

I don't want to take normal anti-depressant, I used to take them once and felt like sleeping all the time.

Or do you have another tips?


It is unusual for an anti depressant to cause sleepiness I havent had one yet that did.

You say that you are not sad or really depressed than an anti depressant isn't what you need.Lack of motivation and feeling seriously disturbed?Can you tell me anything that has gone on in the last couple of months that has changed or explain what is disturbing you? maybe the lack of motivation is due to what is disturbing you.....if you are not really depressed and you can appear to have a happy persona then anti depressants arent the solution for you.So can you provide me with some information on your disturbed thoughts.......maybe i can offer you some advice on who to go to......best wishes....deb

Edited by todreaminblue
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What is behavioral endocrinology? Is that something an endocrinologist practices or is that more holistic medicine?



Behavioral endocrinology is basically biological psychology, or the study of how hormones influence actions and behaviors.

For example, the amount of estrogen or number of fat cells that synthesize estrogens play a big part in how females act. The fewer the fat cells (remember that fat cells grow in shrink or expand, they do not multiply), the less estrogen and this could alter the range in which our moods fluctuate during our cycles. The quantity of fat cells also play a huge role in how we deal with menopause. As the ovaries stop producing estrogen, our bodies rely on excess estrogen from fat cells, thus those with fewer fat cells are more likely to gain fat in random places as opposed to those who already have a large number of fat cells and the estrogen is synthesized from those.


I became interested in it after I had the external liposuction done as I have noticed a change in my overall behavior and mood. Previously, my menstrual mood cycle consisted of a contented state when estrogen levels were at it's base level, and an elated high at ovulating day 14 and then back to a contented state. Now when estrogen levels are at their low, I tend to feel very "empty" and tired and on day 14 I am at that same contented state that I once had been at when estrogen levels were low prior to liposuction. The interesting thing is, I have normal or "in-range" hormone levels but it's almost as if the reduction of fat cells altered the normalcy of my original personality to another state the normalcy. It's just a theory I have. Hope that made sense.


I'm surprised there haven't been many studies on the effects of liposuction on human behavior. But I would assume that the only investors to fund the studies are the plastic surgeons themselves. So I don't see any study like that emerging anytime soon.


In the meantime I'll just sit here waiting until scientists find a way to grow fat stem cells in petri dishes so I can inject it back into the places where they robbed it...

Edited by Celtica
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It is unusual for an anti depressant to cause sleepiness I havent had one yet that did.

You say that you are not sad or really depressed than an anti depressant isn't what you need.Lack of motivation and feeling seriously disturbed?Can you tell me anything that has gone on in the last couple of months that has changed or explain what is disturbing you? maybe the lack of motivation is due to what is disturbing you.....if you are not really depressed and you can appear to have a happy persona then anti depressants arent the solution for you.So can you provide me with some information on your disturbed thoughts.......maybe i can offer you some advice on who to go to......best wishes....deb



thank you for your answer....

I think I am not really depressed. But I am not sure maybe it's just my new personality who I got used to.

It is lack of motivation, melancholy mood, I do a lot of new and exciting things but I have no emotion (but I force myself to have), I have a few good friends who like me and help me but I stopped having feelings for them. It's just weird state of mind.


I am after two harsh break ups, after physical abuse by one of my ex, in my childhood my father was also very abusive towards me, then he stopped talking to me (us) and didn't care anymore, in my teens I had hard times talking to people, I used to be brutally honest and I was fired from one school....thinking it's so long time ago, am I over it? I don't know, I am still that honest but I fear so I try to keep quiet most of the time. I am scared of people more than before and I try to not to get close to them and keep the distance and when I think I should close the door and I finally open to someone, I do the wrong choice. I suffer from safe blame often for everything in my life (from my father's leave, physical abuse from my first ex to this second one who just left me in mess). I try to fight these feelings in me every day, I am not always successful.


No I am not saying that all people are bad cause I like people in general and I like talking to them or helping them. I believe that in everyone you can find something good and I don't drown in anger and I don't think that everyone is going to hurt me because I have met a lot of really good people in my life.


But still I fear I won't be able to love again and I will die alone. I also think I am weak and ugly person.

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Feelin Frisky

thank you for your answer....

I think I am not really depressed. But I am not sure maybe it's just my new personality who I got used to.

It is lack of motivation, melancholy mood, I do a lot of new and exciting things but I have no emotion (but I force myself to have), I have a few good friends who like me and help me but I stopped having feelings for them. It's just weird state of mind.


I am after two harsh break ups, after physical abuse by one of my ex, in my childhood my father was also very abusive towards me, then he stopped talking to me (us) and didn't care anymore, in my teens I had hard times talking to people, I used to be brutally honest and I was fired from one school....thinking it's so long time ago, am I over it? I don't know, I am still that honest but I fear so I try to keep quiet most of the time. I am scared of people more than before and I try to not to get close to them and keep the distance and when I think I should close the door and I finally open to someone, I do the wrong choice. I suffer from safe blame often for everything in my life (from my father's leave, physical abuse from my first ex to this second one who just left me in mess). I try to fight these feelings in me every day, I am not always successful.


No I am not saying that all people are bad cause I like people in general and I like talking to them or helping them. I believe that in everyone you can find something good and I don't drown in anger and I don't think that everyone is going to hurt me because I have met a lot of really good people in my life.


But still I fear I won't be able to love again and I will die alone. I also think I am weak and ugly person.



Coffee, don't put yourself down. What we tell ourselves is what we make of ourselves. If you feel you have flaws in your looks that you can't correct, it is important to at least learn to tell yourself other things that focus on a strength you find in yourself so that you don't misguide yourself into a hole. Nobody is out there thinking about how you look. You are the on person in the world who can either let that defeat you or make it irrelevant. I have tried to give a lot of advice on this thread about medication because there is a lot of misinformation and bias that is harmful around. But no medication can correct preoccupations with your perceived flaws. They can however help in many ways for you to find the good part of yourself that is alive in every human being that makes them want to keep living and trying. Give yourself a chance.

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Coffee, don't put yourself down. What we tell ourselves is what we make of ourselves. If you feel you have flaws in your looks that you can't correct, it is important to at least learn to tell yourself other things that focus on a strength you find in yourself so that you don't misguide yourself into a hole. Nobody is out there thinking about how you look. You are the on person in the world who can either let that defeat you or make it irrelevant. I have tried to give a lot of advice on this thread about medication because there is a lot of misinformation and bias that is harmful around. But no medication can correct preoccupations with your perceived flaws. They can however help in many ways for you to find the good part of yourself that is alive in every human being that makes them want to keep living and trying. Give yourself a chance.


Thanks Frisky, I have put myself on dating side today, I was talking to some boys and it feels so weird, I can't trust them, i don't even know who they are, all the process all over again? I don't know, I guess, one more break up and I will maybe really hurt myself.

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Thanks Frisky, I have put myself on dating side today, I was talking to some boys and it feels so weird, I can't trust them, i don't even know who they are, all the process all over again? I don't know, I guess, one more break up and I will maybe really hurt myself.


Do you have trouble finding boyfriends and spend long periods single?

Do you get pumped & dumped often?

Do you need a bf to feel you are valued?

Do you hate your body because you are skinny?

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Do you have trouble finding boyfriends and spend long periods single?

Do you get pumped & dumped often?

Do you need a bf to feel you are valued?

Do you hate your body because you are skinny?


I have problems with trust - I can find a boy or a men but I hardly trust - and that's funny if I trust, I choose the wrong one who to trust

spend long periods single? - hmm yes, I know it's wrong


Do you need a bf to feel you are valued? - yes (this feeling I didn't used to have, it's mainly now, if I meet someone they usually ask me: "have you found anyone new" and if I answer no, I am not looking, they tell me but you should find someone new)

Do you hate your body because you are skinny? - yes

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thank you for your answer....

I think I am not really depressed. But I am not sure maybe it's just my new personality who I got used to.

It is lack of motivation, melancholy mood, I do a lot of new and exciting things but I have no emotion (but I force myself to have), I have a few good friends who like me and help me but I stopped having feelings for them. It's just weird state of mind.


I am after two harsh break ups, after physical abuse by one of my ex, in my childhood my father was also very abusive towards me, then he stopped talking to me (us) and didn't care anymore, in my teens I had hard times talking to people, I used to be brutally honest and I was fired from one school....thinking it's so long time ago, am I over it? I don't know, I am still that honest but I fear so I try to keep quiet most of the time. I am scared of people more than before and I try to not to get close to them and keep the distance and when I think I should close the door and I finally open to someone, I do the wrong choice. I suffer from safe blame often for everything in my life (from my father's leave, physical abuse from my first ex to this second one who just left me in mess). I try to fight these feelings in me every day, I am not always successful.


No I am not saying that all people are bad cause I like people in general and I like talking to them or helping them. I believe that in everyone you can find something good and I don't drown in anger and I don't think that everyone is going to hurt me because I have met a lot of really good people in my life.


But still I fear I won't be able to love again and I will die alone. I also think I am weak and ugly person.



I believe that in everyone you can find something good



had to quote you......you need to read aloud what you wrote and instead of the word everyone use the word ME.......i can give you many things that I believe that are good about you from your post......and I dont know you....so to the person who knows your heart better than anyone on this planet ...... I want you to read your posts and I want you to tell me what The things are, or might be that I can read that are good about you......even the the bad things you are thinking point an insight to the person you are.........and ill let you know you arent weak right off the bat.....you criticise who you are for starters, turn that around and start to see what others can see in you.......i will then let you know what i think.......best wishes .....deb

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