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...He didn't invite me to his Birthday Party....A very close Ex..

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My ex split up with me a year and a half ago.....his mum died and he felt like he could not handle a relationship no more.....l respected his wishes and moved out and got on with my life for around 5 months without contact....just few txt messages to see if he is ok and thinking of him...he contacts me....we starting meeting up regularly....dinner, movies...doing all the things we love......no sex involved at all.....still calls me babie....holds me and treats me like we are together...but not like he did when we where together....he says he still loves and cares about me.....has no eye for anyone else.....its been over a year and he says he is done grieving and is feeling much more positive....im very very close to his family, cousins and friends....we are all comfortable together and is hardly any tension....i always give him space....i do my own thing too....i mist his birthday last year......and mentioned i would love to celebrate it with him this year.....its a week before....on sunday i mentioned if he had any plans....his response was no just work drinks after work really.....i thought cool let him socialise with work people and maybe we could do something the next day.....only to receive calls and txt messages from his brother and cousins saying '' see you friday!'' again to find out he had organised a big party invited over 100 people from close family, work colleagues, ex work colleagues, i do know most of the people......i asked him about it and he said it doesn't seem like a good idea that i should be there?.........and that he will feel like he will have to look after me all night?.....and that he invited a few people that he doesn't want me to be in the same room with?....but kept saying he will not go into any detail....?......i know he is not seeing anyone else.....i found out the guest list from his brother...and no one on there is a threat....he doesn't have to look after me because i will be socialising with his family.....Im just really baffled.....he use to love taking me out and meeting people.....we are so close.....i can see we might still have a future together if we keep this close friendship going....But why would he not want me there?......I know its his birthday and i should respect his wishes...give him space to party......but this is odd.....or am i just over reacting?

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It sounds like he would have to watch over you. Why are you hanging onto him if it's clearly not working out between you two? You are either together or you're not. I understand moving on takes time but it's been a year and a half. You need to cut ties, no matter how close you are to his family. I can almost guarantee there are going to be girls/friends there that he might be romantically interested in. I'm sorry :(

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Honestly I wouldn't invite my exs over neither. For what? Why? I am going to be free minded and worry free. Not inviting exs over when I am possibly hitting on other women. But, you are free to come. But expect to be disappointed.

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